Research published in the journal Pediatrics showed that COVID-19 incidence was eight times greater in unvaccinated children than in those who had been vaccinated. Researchers examined data from 1,128 students ages 11 to 19 at a single school in North Carolina.
According to the researchers, 829 (73.5%) students were vaccinated, whereas the remaining 299 (26.5%) students were unvaccinated. A total of 20 (6.7%) unvaccinated students reported being infected during the study period vs. only seven (0.8%) vaccinated students.
The unvaccinated students had about 8 times the incidence of documented infection and about 9 times the incidence of symptomatic infection compared with vaccinated students, according to the researchers.
My suspicion is that most of the parents or caretakers for the unvaccinated children or the children with COVID were themselves unvaccinated. Studies have shown that parental COVID vaccination protects unvaccinated kids.
Vaccinated parents give their children a “cocoon effect.” We now know this is true with COVID, diphtheria, influenza, and other vaccine-preventable diseases.
The researchers acknowledged that the study was limited to only one school, but say, “The findings add to mounting evidence nationwide showing the usefulness of vaccinations.”
You can read more details here.
This blog was accurate as of the day of posting. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly evolves and the scientific community’s understanding of the novel coronavirus and the COVID vaccine develops, the information above may have changed since it was last updated. While I aim to keep all of my blogs on COVID and the COVID vaccine up to date, please visit online resources provided by the CDC, WHO, and your local public health department to stay informed on the latest news.
© Copyright WLL, INC. 2022. This blog provides a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.
This infoomation begs the bigger question of what “case” numbers mean and the implications of same with regard to children.
1. “Case” numbers are mostly determined from PCR testing which has been shown in multiple sources to be worse than useless due to false positives accounting for 97 to 100 percent among asymptomatic individuals, and up to 30% of negative results among symptomatic individuals false negative as per a NEJM article in 2021. Kary Mullis, the Nebel Laureate for PCR discovery, warned in multiple interviews before his untimely death shortly before the pandemic that PCR cannot establish or rule out active infection with any pathogen – and Dr. Anthony Fauci confirmed that among asymptomatic individuals, positive PCR tests are 97 to 100 % false positive.
2. Children who do acquire a CoVID-19 infection have a 99.997% probability of surviving the illness, negligible statistical risk of hospitalization, and can easily be treated with repurposed safe, inexpensive drugs like hydrychloroquine or Ivermectin combined with zinc, vitamins C and D, quercetin, and if needed, nebulized budesonide – all ar negiblble risk.
3. VAERS reports, which the Harvard Pilgeim study showed under-report adverse events, document in the US, over 9,000 deaths following CoVID vaccines – more than the total number of deaths reported in the same system for the 30 years from all vaccines prior to the pandemic. And as Dr. Peter McCullough has pointed out, 50% of those deaths occurred within 48 hours of vacination and 80%E within 14 days. This clustering of deaths following the medical intervention strongly support causality rather than coincidence.
Bose Ravenel, MD, FAAP, Retired
Dr. Ravenel,
Thanks for your comment. My opinion, and I believe the evidence, refute each of these three points of misinformation. (1) is demonstrably wrong as to the sensitivity and specificity of FDA-approved COVID tests. (2) is demonstrably wrong as there is no peer-reviewed evidence that I’m aware of to support these treatments for children. (3) Let me spend some time addressing this “scare tactic” used by many anti-vaxers:
These and similar shocking claims are the latest and most frequently used examples of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. And as with most misinformation, these statements get traction because they start with a kernel of truth — in this case, raw data from a reputable source.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was established in 1990 as a national early warning system to detect potential safety problems with vaccines. It is managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The system allows anyone who has received a vaccine (not just a COVID-19 vaccine) to report “adverse events” (think side effects) that they experience following vaccination. Health care providers are required to submit reports of events that come to their attention even if the events clearly have no relationship to vaccination.
The system serves to alert federal health authorities to potential safety concerns, but it is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a particular problem. All reports to the system are unverified.
Since December 2020, more than 469 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the U.S., and VAERS has received 10,483 reports of death (0.0022%), according to the CDC. (Numbers as of Dec. 29, 2021.)
However, that statistic offers no insight into the cause of death for those people. If a 90-year-old nursing home resident got the vaccine and then died days, weeks, or even months later of another ailment, the resident’s death would be reported to VAERS.
Here’s the misinformation strategy: Opponents of vaccination use the VAERS numbers in statements that suggest cause-and-effect conclusions. This misinformation then influences some people not to be vaccinated.
In this case, the numbers are correct, but the presumed conclusions are not. This intentional misrepresentation is a powerful tactic to sow confusion among large groups of people.
To address the misinformation about VAERS, the CDC shares context around adverse events associated with the COVID-19 vaccines and emphasizes that reports of deaths (and other adverse events) do not necessarily mean the vaccines are to blame. “A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has NOT established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines,” the CDC notes.
Meanwhile, what we do know for sure is that more than 58 million U.S. residents have been infected and more than 800,000 have died from COVID-19, and the vaccine is one of the best tools to slow the spread of the virus and save lives.
I rest my case. You’re welcome.
Dr. Walt