Dr. Walt’s Latest World War II Blogs

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February 13, 2024

February 13, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero rides a train to the war

Orders were issued for 1,000 men, including Phil, to board narrow-gauge railroad cars for a three-day train ride across Morocco and Algeria to Oran, a major […]
February 12, 2024

February 12, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero rides a famous Berber war horse in Morocco

Phil had written his mother about letting “a cute girl that I met near camp teach me French.” He also learned from her about a Moroccan […]
February 11, 2024

February 11, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero writes home from French Morocco

While Phil  and the thousands of replacements in camp with him waited in French Morocco for their assignments, the war waged in Europe without them. Phil […]
February 10, 2024

February 10, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero arrives in North Africa

On the Liberty Ship, 18-year-old, Phil Larimore, the youngest commissioned Army officer in World War II, stood on the deck and watched his homeland disappear over […]
February 7, 2024

Meet the Larimores (magazine article about our family)

Barb and I were honored to have been featured in the Northern Springs Living magazine in January.
February 1, 2024

List of my January 2024 Blogs on “Where was Dad 80 years ago today?”

I’ve just begin a blog that will continue on most days for the next 18 months or so following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. […]
January 31, 2024

January 31 – February 9, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero sails across the North Atlantic

On a January night in 1944, we boarded a troop transport carrying a cargo of 5,000 replacement infantrymen out of Newport News, Virginia. Each of us […]
January 30, 2024

January 30, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero prepares to ship out – Part 7 – Boarding the ship

On January 30, 1944, Phil boarded a train at Camp Patrick Henry that would transport the men to Norfolk, Virginia, on the Chesapeake Bay. His eyes […]
January 24, 2024

A newly discovered eyewitness account of my father’s last WWII battle in which he lost his leg and almost his life

Two weeks I posted an article about my WWII book, At First Light, in which I mentioned that my father, Major Philip B. Larimore, Jr., one […]
January 22, 2024

January 22, 1944 – The 3rd Infantry Division’s D-Day at the Anzio Italy Beachhead

While Phil was waiting to ship out at Fort Meade, Maryland, his future unit, the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, was beginning its 4th amphibious D-Day, after […]