NBC News reported, “Mounting evidence suggests that drinking several cups of tea per day has numerous health benefits, including lowering one’s risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, […]
MedPage Today reported, “Drinking two or more cups of black tea daily was associated with a 9% to 13% lower risk for all-cause mortality, compared with not […]
Healio reports, “Drinking multiple cups of coffee or tea a day, or a combination of the two, was associated with a decreased risk for dementia and stroke” […]
Drinking several cups of tea or coffee a day appears to protect against heart disease, a 13-year-long study from the Netherlands has found. It adds to a […]
Reuters has published a story about Greek researchers who say a few cups of green tea each day may help prevent heart disease. The study, published […]
NBC News reported, “Mounting evidence suggests that drinking several cups of tea per day has numerous health benefits, including lowering one’s risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, […]
MedPage Today reported, “Drinking two or more cups of black tea daily was associated with a 9% to 13% lower risk for all-cause mortality, compared with not […]
Healio reports, “Drinking multiple cups of coffee or tea a day, or a combination of the two, was associated with a decreased risk for dementia and stroke” […]
Drinking several cups of tea or coffee a day appears to protect against heart disease, a 13-year-long study from the Netherlands has found. It adds to a […]
Reuters has published a story about Greek researchers who say a few cups of green tea each day may help prevent heart disease. The study, published […]