When you do something for your romantic partner, is it the thought that counts? Yes, but a new study suggests something else matters: the return favor of […]
Yesterday, Thursday, May 20, we trained to Rome and then checked into the Roman Residence (where we stayed earlier in the trip). Massimo, the owner, warmly […]
Tara Parker-Pope, of the New York Times, recently did an excellent analysis on the topic of the effects of marriage on health. Parker-Pope reports, “Contemporary studies […]
http://www.citizenlink.org/content/A000011469.cfm Having a married mom and dad has an impact on a child’s future, according to data http://www.heritage.org/Research/Family/Map_of_Religion.pdf from The Heritage Foundation. The group used data […]
When I wrote my book, 10 Essentials of Highly Healthy People, I included information on how people can make decisions that will affect the quantity and […]
Angelina Jolie says her children are asking why she and Brad Pitt aren’t married. According to CitizenLink, the 33-year-old actress told Italian Vanity Fair the kids […]
About 88 percent of married Americans say they are happy or reasonably content in their marriages. And three-quarters report that their sex lives are reasonably fulfilling. That’s […]
When you do something for your romantic partner, is it the thought that counts? Yes, but a new study suggests something else matters: the return favor of […]
Yesterday, Thursday, May 20, we trained to Rome and then checked into the Roman Residence (where we stayed earlier in the trip). Massimo, the owner, warmly […]
Tara Parker-Pope, of the New York Times, recently did an excellent analysis on the topic of the effects of marriage on health. Parker-Pope reports, “Contemporary studies […]
http://www.citizenlink.org/content/A000011469.cfm Having a married mom and dad has an impact on a child’s future, according to data http://www.heritage.org/Research/Family/Map_of_Religion.pdf from The Heritage Foundation. The group used data […]
When I wrote my book, 10 Essentials of Highly Healthy People, I included information on how people can make decisions that will affect the quantity and […]
Angelina Jolie says her children are asking why she and Brad Pitt aren’t married. According to CitizenLink, the 33-year-old actress told Italian Vanity Fair the kids […]
About 88 percent of married Americans say they are happy or reasonably content in their marriages. And three-quarters report that their sex lives are reasonably fulfilling. That’s […]