A pregnant mother’s exercise may lower her baby’s risk of obesity later in life. The new research shows that regular moderate-intensity exercise during pregnancy reduces an […]
What an interesting new study. It concludes that to dramatically reduce your healthcare costs, to lengthen your life, to improve the quality of your life, and, […]
Reuters Health is reporting on a UK study that suggests health experts generally recommend that children get at least one hour of moderate exercise each day. […]
HealthDay News is reporting a study showing that a session of moderate aerobic exercise can help reduce anxiety and improve the quality of sleep for […]
A pregnant mother’s exercise may lower her baby’s risk of obesity later in life. The new research shows that regular moderate-intensity exercise during pregnancy reduces an […]
What an interesting new study. It concludes that to dramatically reduce your healthcare costs, to lengthen your life, to improve the quality of your life, and, […]
Reuters Health is reporting on a UK study that suggests health experts generally recommend that children get at least one hour of moderate exercise each day. […]
HealthDay News is reporting a study showing that a session of moderate aerobic exercise can help reduce anxiety and improve the quality of sleep for […]