In my latest book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People, I teach people how to utilize these ten essentials that are necessary to live a happy and […]
In my best-selling book, Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook, in the chapter on “Colonics,” co-author Donal O’Mathuna, PhD, and I conclude: “There is no scientific basis […]
WebMD reported, “Most Americans believe that prescription medications are the most effective treatments for many common illnesses, but a Consumer Reports survey of more than 45,000 […]
The AP reports, “Federal health officials are cracking down on bogus pills and supplements that their makers claim will cure or prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like […]
The anti-vaccination movement has no better friends than in the alternative medicine world. In the Massachusetts study mentioned in my last blog, less than one-third of […]
Maqui berry (pronounced “mah-kee”) is one of the hottest new berries being marketed for “weight loss,” “detoxification,” and for “general health.” But, does it work? Or […]
CoQ10 is among the most popular supplements in the U.S. and is used for cardiovascular disease and a range of other conditions. However, it is easy, […]
In my book, Alternative Medicine: The options, the claims, the evidence, how to choose wisely, in my chapter on antioxidants, I conclude, “The best advice is to […]
People have been using herbal supplements for centuries to cure all manner of ills and improve their health. But for all the folk wisdom promoting the […]
In my latest book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People, I teach people how to utilize these ten essentials that are necessary to live a happy and […]
In my best-selling book, Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook, in the chapter on “Colonics,” co-author Donal O’Mathuna, PhD, and I conclude: “There is no scientific basis […]
WebMD reported, “Most Americans believe that prescription medications are the most effective treatments for many common illnesses, but a Consumer Reports survey of more than 45,000 […]
The AP reports, “Federal health officials are cracking down on bogus pills and supplements that their makers claim will cure or prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like […]
The anti-vaccination movement has no better friends than in the alternative medicine world. In the Massachusetts study mentioned in my last blog, less than one-third of […]
Maqui berry (pronounced “mah-kee”) is one of the hottest new berries being marketed for “weight loss,” “detoxification,” and for “general health.” But, does it work? Or […]
CoQ10 is among the most popular supplements in the U.S. and is used for cardiovascular disease and a range of other conditions. However, it is easy, […]
In my book, Alternative Medicine: The options, the claims, the evidence, how to choose wisely, in my chapter on antioxidants, I conclude, “The best advice is to […]
People have been using herbal supplements for centuries to cure all manner of ills and improve their health. But for all the folk wisdom promoting the […]