World War II Blogs

June 6, 2024

June 6, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 3) but quickly overshadowed by Overlord

At 0600 hours on Tuesday, June 6, 1944, an aide woke Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark, the commander of the Fifth Army and the youngest three-star […]
June 6, 2024

“Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living “What are the pros and cons of coconut oil?”

I enjoy being penning a bi-monthly column for the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine. In the March 2024 issue I addressed some questions about coconut oil, […]
June 5, 2024

June 5, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 2)

Across the now liberated capital of Italy, the Eternal City, Rome, the celebration continued through Monday afternoon, June 5, 1944.[1]
June 5, 2024

June 5, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 1)

On June 5th, 1944 the city of Rome was liberated by the allied armies in Italy.[1]
June 4, 2024

Day 20 — Heading home from our wonderful Great Britain and Ireland Adventure

Today we head home from our amazing adventures in  Great Britain (London, Scotland, Northern Ireland) and the Republic of Ireland. This was the trip we’ve always […]
June 4, 2024

June 4, 1944 — The liberation of the Eternal City begins – as do the arguments – “Who got to Rome first?”

Precisely who crossed Rome’s city limits early on Sunday, June 4, 1944, would be disputed for decades. Various units claimed the honor by filling out affidavits […]
June 3, 2024

Day 19 — Our Ireland Adventure

We’re in the Republic of Ireland for the last full day of our wonderful adventures in Great Britain (London, Scotland, Northern Ireland) and the Republic of […]
June 3, 2024

June 3, 1944 — The mad dash to liberate Rome

The 30th Infantry turned toward Rome. On June 3, Phil and his Regiment began the mad dash up Highway 6 toward Rome.[1]
May 7, 2022

SNEAK PEAK – Part Six – At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse

With the permission of my publisher, for the month of April, I’m giving you a SNEAK PEEK of the first five chapters of my latest book […]
May 8, 2022

Very nice article featuring my dad and the book about his heroics – At First Light

Last Sunday, I was so pleased to be reading our local newspaper, the Pulitzer-Prize-Winning Colorado Springs Gazette, when I came across an unexpected surprise – a […]
May 21, 2022

“At First Light” declared “the perfect labor induction agent”

Long-time readers know that for the last 15 years I’ve served as a Visiting Professor at the In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program in Tulsa. […]
May 23, 2022

Bloom features “At First Light” on Military Monday around the country

Bloom TV is a feature that is syndicated to local TV stations around the country. I was honored to be on their Military Monday for a […]
May 27, 2022

MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND TRIBUTE — The “Forgotten Front” of World War II

Here’s an Op-Ed that I submitted to a number of newspapers to run this Memorial Day weekend. I’m hopeful one or more will actually publish it. […]
June 1, 2022

Monthly Family Update – June 2022

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: My and Barb’s Annual “Walk for Life” At First Light, the WWII book about my dad was featured […]