On January 20, the 30th Regiment held its usual pre-battle awards ceremony, this time in a blinding snowstorm. Ceremonies usually marked the conclusion of one regimental […]
Morale was raised another notch with the far-overdue arrival of winter clothes—mountain boots, fur-lined caps, fur-lined jackets, heavy-lined pants—and mountain sleeping bags. The men were finally warm![1]
During January, Phil’s 30th Infantry Regiment instituted what the commanders called “Local Rest Camps,” but what the front-line men called “The Miraculous Tents.”[1]
For Phil and his company, the endless days and interminable glacial nights featured the normal firefights that came with vigorous patrolling, as well as some of the most […]
The tacit understanding which had existed among officers and men of the 3rd Infantry Division that being on the defensive was not our style, well though […]
Occupying a frontline foxhole proved to be fatal to some soldiers on the front line and miserable for all, however. Two men were assigned to each foxhole, […]
A supply truck arrived carrying an issue of shoepacs[1] complete with arctic socks and felt insoles. “Where were you six weeks ago, when we needed you?” […]
Beginning on January 8-9, 1944, Phil’s 30th Infantry staged two attacks, the purpose being to divert the enemy’s attention from the fact that a French division […]
I’m continuing a blog on most days until mid 2025 following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. Each blog will represent what he and the […]
Daily, Phil’s company stayed active with deep patrolling. Phil’s old A&P men worked with Companies K and L to help improve their defensive positions by clearing fields of […]
On January 20, the 30th Regiment held its usual pre-battle awards ceremony, this time in a blinding snowstorm. Ceremonies usually marked the conclusion of one regimental […]
Morale was raised another notch with the far-overdue arrival of winter clothes—mountain boots, fur-lined caps, fur-lined jackets, heavy-lined pants—and mountain sleeping bags. The men were finally warm![1]
During January, Phil’s 30th Infantry Regiment instituted what the commanders called “Local Rest Camps,” but what the front-line men called “The Miraculous Tents.”[1]
For Phil and his company, the endless days and interminable glacial nights featured the normal firefights that came with vigorous patrolling, as well as some of the most […]
The tacit understanding which had existed among officers and men of the 3rd Infantry Division that being on the defensive was not our style, well though […]
Occupying a frontline foxhole proved to be fatal to some soldiers on the front line and miserable for all, however. Two men were assigned to each foxhole, […]
A supply truck arrived carrying an issue of shoepacs[1] complete with arctic socks and felt insoles. “Where were you six weeks ago, when we needed you?” […]
Beginning on January 8-9, 1944, Phil’s 30th Infantry staged two attacks, the purpose being to divert the enemy’s attention from the fact that a French division […]
I’m continuing a blog on most days until mid 2025 following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. Each blog will represent what he and the […]
Daily, Phil’s company stayed active with deep patrolling. Phil’s old A&P men worked with Companies K and L to help improve their defensive positions by clearing fields of […]