World War II Blogs

January 1, 2024

January 1, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero was prepares to ship out – Part 1 – Fort Bragg

Today marks the beginning of a new blog series in which you can follow my father, who as a teenager, entered and fought in World War […]
January 1, 2024

Ask Dr. Walt 38 – Diet Dilemmas: What Works, What Doesn’t?

Did you know that in most countries around the world, the majority of the population are overweight or obese. Many of these folks are trying or […]
December 29, 2023

Ask Dr. Walt 36 – Healthy nutrition resolutions for the New Year

Did you know the American Heart Association has published updated dietary guidance that outlines ten recommendations for improving your nutrition and your hearth health? If you […]
December 27, 2023

“Vaccine News You Can Use” for Family Physicians – Fall 2023

I’ve been honored to write a quarterly column, “Vaccine News You Can Use” for the Colorado Family Physician journal for a number of years. If you’d […]
December 25, 2023

Have a Merry Christmas knowing that “The Darkness Will NOT Win!”

Barb and I hope you and yours have a Christ-centered, warm-memory-creating, family filled Christmas and a Blessed New Year. And, we pray you’ll be blessed by […]
December 24, 2023

My most requested Christmas story in Audio

Earlier this week (and every Christmas Season for the last couple of decade and a half), I’ve posted a three-part series most recently titled, “A Wonderful […]
December 24, 2023

My favorite Christmas video of all time — The Inn Keeper’s Dream

I suspect each of you, like me, have special memories of extraordinary events that occurred for you or your family during Christmas seasons past, yes? Maybe […]
December 23, 2023

The Christmas Child Who changed the world

Christmas is a time of hope and blessings, a celebration of life and salvation. The Scriptures teach us that children are a blessing from God. It […]
April 1, 2024

April 1, 1944 — An intensive training schedule was underway, but for what?

By 1 April the Regimental bivouac area was set up, training areas selected and an intensive training schedule was under way.
April 2, 2024

List of my March Blogs on “Where was Dad 80 years ago today?”

I’m continuing a blog on most days for the next 18 months or so following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. Each blog will represent […]
April 2, 2024

April 2, 1944 — Soldiers in the hell of a foxhole on the Anzio beachhead

War correspondent, Ernie Pyle, wrote, “American infantry fighters on the Fifth army beachhead were having a welcome breathing spell when I dropped around to leave my […]
April 3, 2024

April 3, 1944 — Movies on the Anzio beachhead

War correspondent, Ernie Pyle, wrote, “As tiny and shell-raked as our Anzio beachhead is, life in some respects is astonishingly normal. For example, the Fifth Army […]
April 4, 2024

April 4, 1944 — Fresh bread at Anzio—Yanks ignore shells to keep bakery humming

 Every square yard of the Anzio beachhead in Italy can be reached by the enemy’s guns. But routine tasks go on, and Allied troops in the […]
April 5, 2024

April 5, 1944 — Phil awarded his first medal of valor, the Silver Star

On April 5, at a battalion ceremony in the Pine Grove, Phil was surprised to be awarded his first battle medal, the Silver Star—the third-highest military combat […]