World War II Blogs

January 26, 2024

Good-bye to “Ask Dr Walt” after four seasons on LiftableTV

From 2021-2022, I was honored to host a TV show, “Ask Dr. Walt” on LiftableTV. I was delighted that the show ran for four seasons, totaling […]
January 24, 2024

A newly discovered eyewitness account of my father’s last WWII battle in which he lost his leg and almost his life

Two weeks I posted an article about my WWII book, At First Light, in which I mentioned that my father, Major Philip B. Larimore, Jr., one […]
January 22, 2024

Ask Dr. Walt 35 – Sexual identity and transgenderism

A novel way of thinking about one’s body has entered into popular culture. “Transgender” individuals refer to their “gender” as a sexual identity that may be […]
January 19, 2024

January 19, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero prepares to ship out – Part 6 – Final letter home

Phil wrote his mother from Fort Meade, Maryland. It’s unclear when or where Phil learned of his transfer to the 3rd Infantry Division. Certainly in this […]
January 19, 2024

Ask Dr. Walt 34 – To become a better parent focus on your parenting style

In my career, I’ve attended the births of over 1500 babies. In almost every case, the parents wanted to be great parents. But most of them […]
January 17, 2024

January 17, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero prepares to ship out – Part 5 – Coast Guard Beach Patrol

After a week at Fort Meade, Phil received orders to take a train 200 miles to Camp Patrick Henry[1] in Warwick County, Virginia. With the usual […]
January 17, 2024

Becoming an everyday missionary wherever God plants you!

Recently I presented a world-wide, online webinar for the International Christian Medical and Dental Associations on the topic of “How to Be an Everyday Missionary in […]
January 15, 2024

Ask Dr. Walt 40 – A family plan for spiritual growth

Most parents who value Christian faith want their children to enjoy a vibrant, growing relationship with God, both now and throughout their lives. But did you […]
March 21, 2024

March 21, 1944 – Bombing brings new suffering to Anzio hospital but swimming and baseball continues

Every square inch of Anzio was constantly under bombardment, including the hospital and operating rooms. One headline stated, “Debris is cleared away after an attack on […]
March 22, 2024

March 22, 1944 – Rest camp, replacements, and those amazing LSTs

March 22 Late in March, some units of the 3rd Infantry Division began to come out of the line after more than 60 consecutive days of […]
March 23, 2024

March 23, 1944 – Was Ernie Pyle, the most famous correspondent from WWII ever scared?

Was the most famous correspondent from WWII ever scared? Here’s Ernie Pyle’s report from the front lines at Anzio Beachhead.
March 24, 2024

March 24, 1944 – Supply lines at Anzio

The real drama of this Anzio beachhead campaign is the supply system. I’d almost like to write that sentence twice—to make sure you get it. The […]
March 25, 2024

March 25, 1944 – Fate of Anzio Beachhead rests heavily on the ‘Ducks’

Probably the two outstanding features of our handling of supplies on this 5th Army beachhead have been the “duck,” or amphibious truck, and our system of […]
March 26, 2024

March 26, 1944 – A well deserved break at a rest camp

Beginning on 26 March, every two days another company the 30th Infantry was sent to the 3rd Division Rest Center in the heart of the Pine […]