World War II Blogs

April 3, 2024

“Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living “Red Rice Yeast for High Cholesterol?” (Part 1 of 7)

I enjoy being penning a bi-monthly column for the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine. In the March 2024 issue I addressed some options on treating high […]
April 2, 2024

April 2, 1944 — Soldiers in the hell of a foxhole on the Anzio beachhead

War correspondent, Ernie Pyle, wrote, “American infantry fighters on the Fifth army beachhead were having a welcome breathing spell when I dropped around to leave my […]
April 2, 2024

List of my March Blogs on “Where was Dad 80 years ago today?”

I’m continuing a blog on most days for the next 18 months or so following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. Each blog will represent […]
April 1, 2024

April 1, 1944 — An intensive training schedule was underway, but for what?

By 1 April the Regimental bivouac area was set up, training areas selected and an intensive training schedule was under way.
April 1, 2024

Monthly Family Update — April 2024

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: ARMY magazine carries an article about my father’s incredible WWII exploits and heroics “What the Bible Says About […]
March 31, 2024

March 31, 1944 — A long letter home from Anzio

By the time you get this you will have seen, or will see some time, a write up about me in the Commercial. Also they will […]
March 31, 2024

Barb and I LOVE the Good News of Resurrection Sunday

Barb and I love Easter. Not because of chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs, Easter Sunrise services, spiral hams, family traditions, or marshmallow peeps. It’s because after celebrating […]
March 30, 2024

March 30, 1944 – Deserted city where Nero fiddled while Rome burned

Anzio and Nettuno run together along the coast of our beachhead, forming practically one city. There is really only one main street, which runs along the […]
January 1, 2024

January 1, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero was prepares to ship out – Part 1 – Fort Bragg

Today marks the beginning of a new blog series in which you can follow my father, who as a teenager, entered and fought in World War […]
January 2, 2024

Monthly Family Update – January 2024

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: Starting a new blog series: Where Was Phil Larimore 80 Years Ago Today? Wreaths Across America honors my […]
January 2, 2024

January 2, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero prepares to ship out – Part 2 – Final leave

Phil Larimore”s leave finally came through after New Year’s Day. There wasn’t enough time to make one last visit to his parents and see Marilyn, however. […]
January 3, 2024

January 3, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero prepares to ship out – Part 3 – Last visit with Marilyn

In the end, Phil decided to see Marilyn instead of visiting his parents in Memphis. He left Fort Bragg for Des Moines on January 3 for […]
January 4, 2024

My hero would have turned 99 today

Most of you know that my book about my dad’s heroism and exploits during and just after WWII, At First Light: A True World War II […]
January 10, 2024

“The man that bullets couldn’t stop” — Author writes book of his father’s WWII heroism

I’ve been blessed with so many great reviews and articles about my WWII book about my father and his heroics and exploits. But, I’d have to […]