Finally, on August 9, we pushed off, and looking out over the harbor, we saw Winston Churchill, riding around in a speedboat, smoking his cigar, and […]
VI Corps was moved from Lt. General Mark Clark’s Fifth Army to Lt General Alexander “Sandy” Patch’s Seventh Army, which was to lead the upcoming amphibious […]
While the amphibious operation against the Riviera coast was to be their fifth major landing against a hostile shore by the 3rd Infantry Division, and the […]
I’m continuing a blog on most days until mid 2025 following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. Each blog will represent what he and the […]
Those who fought and suffered in Italy—that “tough old gut,” as Ernie Pyle called it—were left to extract from the bad time what redemption they could. […]
Finally, on August 9, we pushed off, and looking out over the harbor, we saw Winston Churchill, riding around in a speedboat, smoking his cigar, and […]
VI Corps was moved from Lt. General Mark Clark’s Fifth Army to Lt General Alexander “Sandy” Patch’s Seventh Army, which was to lead the upcoming amphibious […]
While the amphibious operation against the Riviera coast was to be their fifth major landing against a hostile shore by the 3rd Infantry Division, and the […]
I’m continuing a blog on most days until mid 2025 following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. Each blog will represent what he and the […]
Those who fought and suffered in Italy—that “tough old gut,” as Ernie Pyle called it—were left to extract from the bad time what redemption they could. […]