World War II Blogs

May 5, 2024

Week Three of my New Devotional: “What the Bible Says About …” Old Heart, New Heart, Bad Desires, Good Desires, God’s Desires, and God’s Will

This week, my new devotional on the YouVersion app Bible reading plan, looks at “What the Bible Says About …” Your Old Heart, Your New Heart, […]
May 4, 2024

May 4, 1944 — Many men wrote their final letters home from Anzio

Everyone was now preparing for our big offensive. We studied area maps and worked tactics in the sand box and discussed how we were going to […]
May 2, 2024

Monthly Family Update — May 2024

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: Kate and Charles confirmed Proud of Scott, also A sweet encouragement from an old friend “What the Bible […]
May 1, 2024

May 1, 1944 — Training for Operation Buffalo to breakout from Anzio

On the morning of May 1, Phil’s 3rd Infantry Division was once again assigned to corps reserve, where they remained until May 21.[1]
May 1, 2024

Using a spiritual history to uncover religious struggle (ICMDA Webinar – 3 of 5)

I was honored, privileged, and blessed to present a series of five global webinars for the International Christian Medical and Dental Associations. This is the third […]
April 30, 2024

April 30, 1944 — Final training for the upcoming breakout from Anzio begins

Tomorrow, at 0600 on May 1, 1944, Phil’s 3rd Division was scheduled to pass control of their front-line sector to the 45th Division and move back […]
April 29, 2024

April 29, 1944 — A disaster unfolds for Phil and his men

Starting on April 29, Phil’s 3rd Battalion was relieved to prepare for an offensive that they hoped would break the beachhead stalemate. At first light, Phil […]
April 28, 2024

April 28, 1944 — Planning for two massive campaigns at once

The Allied military brass at the highest levels were preparing two massive operations for the Allies. First, of course, was to have the Allies successfully break […]
January 26, 2023

“At First Light” featured at The National WWII Museum in NOLA

I was delighted to have my son, Scott, join me at the National WWII Museum in NOLA as they featured my and Mike Yorkey’s book about […]
January 28, 2023

My dad’s covert role in wartime Lipizzaner horse rescue revealed (Part 1 of 3)

Here’s a January 22, 2023 excerpt from my and Mike Yorkey’s award-winning WWII book, At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, […]
January 31, 2023

My WWII book “At First Light” becomes an #1 Best Seller

I was so happy to learn this week that the ratings for my and Mike Yorkey’s WWII book about my father’s heroism and exploits, At First […]
February 2, 2023

Monthly Family Update – February 2023

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: At First Light becomes an #1 Best Seller At First Light honored at the National WWII Museum […]
February 4, 2023

Operation Lipizzaner: Former Nazi vet paves way for horse rescue (Part 2 of 3)

Here’s a January 29, 2023 excerpt (part two of three) from my and Mike Yorkey’s award-winning WWII book, At First Light: A True World War II […]
March 2, 2023

Monthly Family Update – March 2023

Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Worldwide Webinar to Healthcare Professionals on “Recognizing Religious Struggle” Bryson City Tales coming […]