#mce_temp_url#With disagreement over baby bottle chemical (bisphenol A), what’s a parent to do? Reuters Health in London is reporting that exposure to a chemical found in […]
MedScape is reporting “An important head-to-head study of smoking cessation therapies shows that combination treatment with a nicotine patch plus lozenge almost doubles the rate of […]
Cholesterol Drug Controversy Continues Some of you are wondering about my response to this news. First of all, you should know that I’m on Vytorin. My […]
Poring over facts about milk: cow’s, goat’s, soy, almond, rice and hemp http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-milk19-2009oct19,0,486524,full.story Full-fat, low-fat or skim? Used to be, there weren’t many choices to make […]
In my new book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People, (available about 9/1//09I discuss how “toxic attitudes” can lead to disease, dysfuntion, and disorder. Now, a […]
What an interesting new study. It concludes that to dramatically reduce your healthcare costs, to lengthen your life, to improve the quality of your life, and, […]
In the past I’ve discussed the studies showing that the more screen time kids have (TV, Internet, video games, cell phone), the more likely they are […]
Enjoying an iced coffee drink? Better skip dinner or hit the gym afterwards, with a cancer charity warning that some iced coffee drinks contain as many […]
#mce_temp_url#With disagreement over baby bottle chemical (bisphenol A), what’s a parent to do? Reuters Health in London is reporting that exposure to a chemical found in […]
MedScape is reporting “An important head-to-head study of smoking cessation therapies shows that combination treatment with a nicotine patch plus lozenge almost doubles the rate of […]
Cholesterol Drug Controversy Continues Some of you are wondering about my response to this news. First of all, you should know that I’m on Vytorin. My […]
Poring over facts about milk: cow’s, goat’s, soy, almond, rice and hemp http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-milk19-2009oct19,0,486524,full.story Full-fat, low-fat or skim? Used to be, there weren’t many choices to make […]
In my new book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People, (available about 9/1//09I discuss how “toxic attitudes” can lead to disease, dysfuntion, and disorder. Now, a […]
What an interesting new study. It concludes that to dramatically reduce your healthcare costs, to lengthen your life, to improve the quality of your life, and, […]
In the past I’ve discussed the studies showing that the more screen time kids have (TV, Internet, video games, cell phone), the more likely they are […]
Enjoying an iced coffee drink? Better skip dinner or hit the gym afterwards, with a cancer charity warning that some iced coffee drinks contain as many […]