Like most of my readers, I have my favorite Independent Book Stores (in my case, it’s Tattered Cover in Colorado Springs or Denver). So, I’d love you to purchase “At First Light” at one of your favorite independent bookstores.
If you don’t have a favorite independent book store, you can find the one closest to you by going to IndieBound and click on the “Indie Bookstore Finder” tab at the top of the page or click here. Tell them I sent you!
Why do I recommend you purchase from an independent book store, even if the book may be slightly less expensive from an on-line source? Glad you asked.
  • Economic reasons
    • Spend $100 at a local business and $67 of that stays in your community.
    • More of your taxes are reinvested in your community.
  • Environmental reasons
    • Buying local means less packaging and less transportation.
    • Shopping in a local business district means less infrastructure, less maintenance, and more money to beautify your community.
  • Community reasons
    • Local retailers are our friends and neighbors.
    • Local businesses donate to local charities at more than twice the rate of national chains.
    • More independents means more choice, more diversity, and a truly unique community.

Learn More About The Importance Of Independent Bookstores