ABC News is reporting a phenomena that family physicians around the country are reporting to me: Tim Russert’s death Friday from sudden cardiac arrest may have […]
The AP is reporting that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is cracking down on teas, supplements, creams, and other products that falsely claim to cure, […]
WebMD is reporting a study showing that eating a 600-calorie breakfast rich in carbohydrates and protein helps dieters lose more weight long term than eating a […]
HealthDay News is reporting a suggestion from British experts that for patients over 50, doctors tracking hypertension may only need to monitor systolic blood pressure (the […]
CitizenLink is reporting that pro-life pharmacies are opening across the country to protect the religious beliefs of their pharmacists. The pharmacies choose not to stock certain […]
LifeNews reports that Catholic Professor Douglas Kmiec is making the false claim that Barack Obama is pro-life on abortion. Kmiec wrote on Obama’s position on abortion in an […]
Life News is carrying an interesting debate about whether pro-lifers should use the word “conception” or “fertilization” to describe the beginning of human life. On one […]
One researcher claimed that infants immunized with one dose of Hib vaccine at twenty-four months of age were less likely to get diabetes than if they […]
[display_podcast] Moody Radio Florida Where You Turn. For Life. 91.1FM WKES, Lakeland / Tampa Bay / Orlando 90.9FM WSOR, Naples / Ft. Myers / Cape Coral […]
ABC News is reporting that “brain scans have provided the most compelling evidence yet that being gay or straight is a biologically fixed trait.” The researchers […]
ABC News is reporting a phenomena that family physicians around the country are reporting to me: Tim Russert’s death Friday from sudden cardiac arrest may have […]
The AP is reporting that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is cracking down on teas, supplements, creams, and other products that falsely claim to cure, […]
WebMD is reporting a study showing that eating a 600-calorie breakfast rich in carbohydrates and protein helps dieters lose more weight long term than eating a […]
HealthDay News is reporting a suggestion from British experts that for patients over 50, doctors tracking hypertension may only need to monitor systolic blood pressure (the […]
CitizenLink is reporting that pro-life pharmacies are opening across the country to protect the religious beliefs of their pharmacists. The pharmacies choose not to stock certain […]
LifeNews reports that Catholic Professor Douglas Kmiec is making the false claim that Barack Obama is pro-life on abortion. Kmiec wrote on Obama’s position on abortion in an […]
Life News is carrying an interesting debate about whether pro-lifers should use the word “conception” or “fertilization” to describe the beginning of human life. On one […]
One researcher claimed that infants immunized with one dose of Hib vaccine at twenty-four months of age were less likely to get diabetes than if they […]
[display_podcast] Moody Radio Florida Where You Turn. For Life. 91.1FM WKES, Lakeland / Tampa Bay / Orlando 90.9FM WSOR, Naples / Ft. Myers / Cape Coral […]
ABC News is reporting that “brain scans have provided the most compelling evidence yet that being gay or straight is a biologically fixed trait.” The researchers […]