For all you Kindle-aholics, this blog is available to you on your own personal Kindle reader. You can learn more about subscribing here. Kindle blogs are fully […]
According to new research, vitamin D supplements may not only help your bones, they may help protect your heart. A new review of research on vitamin D […]
Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because when sunlight hits skin, the body produces this vitamin, essential for strong, healthy bones. However, a mountain of […]
I’ve posted a number of blogs about the fact that vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency (low levels of serum vitamin D) is associated with a number […]
Children in recent New Zealand studies who spent a lot of time watching television and using computer games had less attachment to family and peers. The […]
A new study shows that children who watched language-building DVDs over a six-week period did NOT have better linguistic skills than those who didn’t watch. Furthermore, the younger […]
An article in USA Today discusses a new review of 130 studies which “strongly suggests” playing violent video games increases aggressive thoughts and behavior and decreases […]
TV watching in early adulthood is linked to increase in risk factors for heart disease, researchers have just announced. They studied more than 5,600 men and […]
In a large, population-based study out of Europe, researchers found that an increased positive affect (happiness) was protective against a 10-year incidence of coronary heart disease. […]
Can you really be bored to death? According to a report in USA Today, in a commentary to be published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in […]
Loneliness, like happiness, can be contagious, says recent research showing how feeling lonely can make others lonely, too. Below are the details from a report in […]
For all you Kindle-aholics, this blog is available to you on your own personal Kindle reader. You can learn more about subscribing here. Kindle blogs are fully […]
According to new research, vitamin D supplements may not only help your bones, they may help protect your heart. A new review of research on vitamin D […]
Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because when sunlight hits skin, the body produces this vitamin, essential for strong, healthy bones. However, a mountain of […]
I’ve posted a number of blogs about the fact that vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency (low levels of serum vitamin D) is associated with a number […]
Children in recent New Zealand studies who spent a lot of time watching television and using computer games had less attachment to family and peers. The […]
A new study shows that children who watched language-building DVDs over a six-week period did NOT have better linguistic skills than those who didn’t watch. Furthermore, the younger […]
An article in USA Today discusses a new review of 130 studies which “strongly suggests” playing violent video games increases aggressive thoughts and behavior and decreases […]
TV watching in early adulthood is linked to increase in risk factors for heart disease, researchers have just announced. They studied more than 5,600 men and […]
In a large, population-based study out of Europe, researchers found that an increased positive affect (happiness) was protective against a 10-year incidence of coronary heart disease. […]
Can you really be bored to death? According to a report in USA Today, in a commentary to be published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in […]
Loneliness, like happiness, can be contagious, says recent research showing how feeling lonely can make others lonely, too. Below are the details from a report in […]