Five years after they were allowed back on the market in this country, the FDA is saying they are confident silicone breast implants are indeed safe, […]
According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, sedentary behaviors, particularly those that require minimal energy expenditure, may increase the risk of developing […]
In a Huffington Post report, Leigh Vinocur, M.D., debunked three emergency medical care myths. I must tell you that I believed each of these three “myths.” So, this […]
An article published in the journal Pediatrics … notes that there is some ‘encouraging’ evidence that fennel extract and some herbal teas could relieve colic symptoms, but […]
Home learning experiences such as reading books with parents can improve low-income preschool children’s readiness to start school, researchers say in a press report from Society […]
The CDC released a report of a nationwide survey of more than 11,000 high school students across the country, finding that only 15 percent get the minimum of […]
Five years after they were allowed back on the market in this country, the FDA is saying they are confident silicone breast implants are indeed safe, […]
According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, sedentary behaviors, particularly those that require minimal energy expenditure, may increase the risk of developing […]
In a Huffington Post report, Leigh Vinocur, M.D., debunked three emergency medical care myths. I must tell you that I believed each of these three “myths.” So, this […]
An article published in the journal Pediatrics … notes that there is some ‘encouraging’ evidence that fennel extract and some herbal teas could relieve colic symptoms, but […]
Home learning experiences such as reading books with parents can improve low-income preschool children’s readiness to start school, researchers say in a press report from Society […]
The CDC released a report of a nationwide survey of more than 11,000 high school students across the country, finding that only 15 percent get the minimum of […]