My ministry to health professionals started humbly over four decades ago and is spreading around the world

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My ministry to health professionals started humbly over four decades ago and is spreading around the world

I started in medical practice in the tiny hamlet of Bryson City, NC (pop. then of 900) in 1981. A tiny seed planted in my heart at a small Presbyterian church there, to become salt and light, has, to my utter amazement and astonishment now spread to well over 100,000 healthcare professionals in over 120 countries around the world. Here’s a brief history of what God accomplished in and though one family physician.

Google says, “Becoming salt and light to the world” is a Christian phrase, derived from the Bible, meaning actively live out your faith and positively influence the world around you by demonstrating goodness, love, and truth, just as salt preserves food and light illuminates darkness; essentially acting as a positive force against corruption and guiding others towards a better path.” The phrase comes from Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 5:13-16.
I wanted to learn how to become flavorful salt and winsome or attractive light in my family medical practive. My dear friends and wonderful family medicine partners, first Ric Pyeritz, MD in Bryson City (1981-1985 and featured in my books, Bryson City Tales, Bryson City Seasons, and Bryson City Secrets) and then John Hartman, MD in Kissimmee, FL (1985-2001 featured in my books, The Best Medicine and The Best Gift) and I began to flesh out how to apply the Biblical principles of being salt and light in our medical practices.
In 1993, I was contacted by and then visited at my and John’s family medical practice in Kissimmee, FL, by the then Christian Medical and Dental Society’s (CMDS) General Director, Hal Habecker, DMin, who had heard from the man who led me to Christ in 1972, Rich McGee, that my partner, John R. Hartman, MD, and I , had a thriving medical practice in which we were learning how to incorporate spiritual interventions such as a spiritual history, faith flags, faith stories, praying with and for patients, spiritual consults and referrals into our day-to-day practice.
After spending a few days at our practice, Hal invited me to come to Dallas in 1994 for the CMDS National Convention to present a workshop on “Spiritual Care in Clinical Practice.” He hoped that maybe 25-50 of the 500 attendees would likely be interested.
So, in the Spring of 1994, with overhead acetates in hand (there was no PowerPoint back then), I went to Dallas for the conference. Hal met me at the registration desk to tell me that his estimate had been way off. Only about 50 of the 500 registrants did NOT want to sign up for the workshop. So, I presented the information twice to about 250 health professionals each time.

Then, in late 1994, a man who would become my BFF, William “Bill” Carr Peel, DMin (who along with Evangelist Billy Graham are both blood relatives of mine and are BOTH 9th cousins once removed — how cool is that!), who was the founding director of the Paul Tournier Institute (an educational endeavor of CMDA to provide unique resources for Christian doctors) came to Kissimmee for a week. Bill used his incredible gifts and talents to put together the first draft of a teaching program for Christian healthcare professionals on how they could practically incorporate their spiritual faith into their health profession everyday.

The initial program was called The Saline Solution: Sharing Christ in a Busy Practice and was funded, published, and distributed by the Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA) in the U.S., with the incredible support of CMDA’s then leadership, CEO David Stevens, MD, and COO Gene Rudd, MD.

Our first trial workshop was at the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly in Mountain Retreat, NC, just outside of Asheville. The conference registration quickly filled, but quite a number of health professionals who could not register traveled long distances, even though “there was no room in the Inn,) in the hopes of somehow getting in. It created a standing (or sitting) room only weekend. The atmosphere was electric. The conference was organized and expertly administered by CMDA staff member, Wayne Sanders, a huge fan and proponent of the early Saline Solution conferences. In attendance was a (then) young dentist, Bill Griffin, DDS, (see more about “Griff” below).

We were off and running. In over five years, Bill and I traveled across the U.S. to teach the materials to tens of thousands of healthcare professionals. At times we were teaching one to two weekend conferences a month to upwards of 500 health professionals. We also traveled to and taught in England, China, and Hungary.

What an amazing and exciting five years that was. The conference in Budapest, was organized by an Emergency Department physician from the U.S., Bob Snyder, MD (see more about Bob below). Physicians from Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Hungary attended. Also in attendance was a (then) young Hungarian family physician, Gábor Györi, MD (see more about Gábor below).

In 2000, as I was preparing to start a stent as Vice President and Physician in Residence at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, and Bill, who was co-pastoring a church in Dallas, and was soon to become the founding Executive Director of the Center for Faith and Work at LeTourneau University in Dallas, updated and converted The Saline Solution into a video course, also titled, “The Saline Solution: Sharing Christ in a Busy Practice.” The video course had a new leader and participant guides. It continued to enjoy wide distribution and acceptance not only in the U.S., but in locations around the world.

While in our new positions, Bill and I published several books and a video curriculum for Christian men and women in the business world:

At the same time, two friends, Bob Snyder, MD, from the U.S., and Gábor Györi, MD, from Hungary (see above), developed IHS Global with a goal of spreading “The Saline Solution” in an international format around the world and is now available as Saline Process Online Training (SPOT).

Dr. Snyder and Györi developed “The Saline Process” and formed the International Saline Partnership with nine other Christian healthcare organizations: Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI), Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI), International Christian Medical and Dental Associations (ICMDA), Christian Medical Fellowship – United Kingdom (CMF), Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia (CMDFA), Evangelical Medical Fellowship of India (EMFI), Health Outreach to the Middle East (HOME), Ukraine Medical Outreach (UMO), and IHS Hungary.

In 2014, “The Saline Solution” was updated in the U.S. with a new video series and new leader and participant guides and published as “Grace Prescriptions: Learning to Share Your Faith in Your Practice.”

By 2020, it was estimated that “The Saline Solution” and “Grace Prescriptions” conferences and small group curricula had been attended by over 65,000 healthcare professionals, primarily in North America. By 2024, it was estimated The Saline Process had been introduced into 129 countries to over 50,000 healthcare professionals.


In 2020, CMDA and Dr. Bill Griffin (see above), transformed “The Saline Solution” and “Grace Prescriptions” into a new video resource for health professionals, which along with study guides, was called “Faith Prescriptions.” It was designed to equip healthcare professionals to share the love of Christ with their patients and colleagues. The program was launched in 2021 in conjunction with CMDA’s National Convention, with the first 10 videos becoming accessible through the CMDA Learning Center for members. I was especially pleased to see so many “Saline Solution” and “Grace Prescriptions” graduates teaching many of these videos.

In 2024, a personal prayer of mine for a couple of decades was answered when CMDA and IHS joined forces to bring the International Saline Process into the U.S. and North America. CMDA and IHS co-hosted a Saline Process Witness Training (SPWT) workshop in Louisville, Kentucky on November 6-7, 2024, as a pre-conference workshop before the annual Global Mission Health Conference in Louisville, KY, held at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. It was a rousing success.

You can hear more about more about the history described above and about the recent ground-breaking conference in a CMDA podcast, “Saline Process Witness Training.” Drs. Griffin (from CMDA) and Györi (from IHS), along with Mayo gastroenterologist and medical missionary, Dr. Mark Topazian, discuss this exciting partnership and its future goals with CMDA CEO Dr. Mike Chupp.

I am so very grateful to the Lord, who used His Word, His Spirit, and His people to spark a small flame in my heart, spirit, and soul, to become salt and light with my patients in a small town of 900 souls in the Smoky Mountains in 1981 has now spread to 129 countries and many tens of thousands of health professionals (many of whom will have over 5,000 patients interactions each year) spread across 6 continents around the globe.

Jesus taught, in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” To Him be the praise, and honor, and glory for all He has done in and through me. I’m grateful to have been able to join so very many others in joining the Great Physician in His work of spreading His Good News via my beloved profession.

  • The “Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power He can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.” Ephesians 3:20-21.
  • “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name give glory.” Psalm 115:1.
  • “So … whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31.
  • “To God be the glory forever and ever! Amen!” Galatians 1:5.

© Copyright WLL, INC. 2025.


  1. Dear Walt,
    thank you for listening to God! I am one of the many who God blessed through you. It is a great priviledge to join with you in God’s Kingdom to reach many healthcare workers and equip them to BE a Witness of Jesus Christ.

    • Dear Gâbor,

      You, Sir, are a precious brother and friend. It’s been such a joy to see and hear about all the Lord is continuing to do in and through you and you (and Bob’s) amazing world-wide ministry with healthcare professionals. I’m so grateful that the Lord let me play a very small role in all the He is accomplishing. PTL. And, If travels ever bring you out this way, let me know. It would be great to share a visit.


  2. Sid Webb says:

    Awesome, brother. I’m blessed to know you and also to have wandered through some of the same stomping grounds. So glad we’ve intersected in the Springs!!! Sid

    • Sid,

      Thanks. Your support has always meant so much and your kind words are an encouragement, affirmation, and blessing. We need to set up our next coffee visit.


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