My streaming presentation of “The Teenage WWII Hero that Bullets Could Not Stop”
March 16, 2025The grinding, slashing, grueling fight [into Germany] continued for several days, made more difficult when the retreating Germans demolished every bridge in the path of the advance.[1]
Nevertheless, the 30th Regiment moved so fast that the Germans had no time to counterattack.
One time, the men seized an enemy military switchboard still in full operation, which proved to be a windfall for intelligence officers.
They were able to overhear an SS captain issuing orders for withdrawal and pass that information along to the Army Air Corps, which sent planes to harass a convoy of enemy vehicles, three abreast and extending for several miles.
The fighter bombers inflicted horrific destruction on the retreating Germans.
So intense was the attack that scarcely a man or a man-made thing remained when they were finished.[2]
[1] Larimore, At First Light, 217.
[2] Ibid.
Learn more about my book about my father’s heroics and exploits at Amazon’s First Light page here. You can also read more of my WWII blogs here as well!
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