6) How can I improve my sleep quality?
November 6, 2024
November 8, 1944 – Part 6 – Some more of my Dad’s favorite Infantry quotes
November 8, 2024Tuesday, November 7, 1944. The election took place during World War II, which ended the following year. Incumbent Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Republican Thomas E. Dewey to win an unprecedented fourth term.[1]
On Election Day, Phil wrote home from the hospital.
7 Nov 44
Lt. P. B. Larimore, Hq Co 3rd BN. 30th Inf A.P.O. #3, c/o Postmaster New York City
Dearest Mom and Pop.
Well today is the big day. I guess almost every one at home is going to vote today. I wish I could place some bets on who is going to win. I know who most of the men over here want and expect to win (again). But that’s just us guys here.
Today has been a big day. They took the bandage off my leg so I get to see what they had done to me.
The stitches were put in the 1st day of Nov. and today they took them out. I have two (2) cuts on my leg each about three (3) inches long. There were seven (7) stitches in one (1) and nine (9) in the other.
But much as I hate to say it I’m getting well and will be back to duty before very long.
I’m still wondering what we (the outfit) are going to eat on Thanksgiving. Kind hope the boys will be resting for at least Thanksgiving or Christmas or better yet both of them.
Things still look plenty rough around here.
Well Mom, honey, give every one my love and tell them all take care or they will be in the hospital and have to use bed pans to(sic).
Write soon. With love. Your son
That evening, the men heard on the radio that President Franklin D Roosevelt was reelected.[3]
[1] 1944 United States presidential election. Wikipedia.
[2] Handwritten V-Mail. Post marked “U.S. Postal Service. No. 3. 23 Nov 1944.” I also have a typed copy. Also, excerpted in: Larimore, At First Light, 169.
[3] 103d Infantry Division Signal Company. Remembrances. Part 4. Web site.
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