2) How often should I get routine screenings and vaccinations?
October 9, 2024
October 10, 1944 – The fight northward in France cost the lives of 600 GIs
October 10, 2024When I was posting about the U.S. Army trials, tribulations, and eventual triumph on the Anzio beach head, what they called the “bitch head,” I forgot to post a poem from WWII hero Audie Murphy. Dad and Audie met and fought in some of the same battles later in the war. You’ll read these accounts in my book, At First Light or in upcoming posts in November.
Praise be to God for this captured sod,
that rich with blood does seep;With yours and mine, like butchered swine’s,
and hell is six feet deep.That death awaits, there’s no debate;
no triumph will we reap.The crosses grow on Anzio,
where hell is six feet deep.— Audie Murphy, World War II Medal of Honor recipient who fought at Anzio [1]
[1] Larimore, At First Light, 77.
In case you haven’t read or listened to Dad’s book, you can learn more or order it here.
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