October 18, 1944 – After two months of non-stop fighting, Phil and his men were exhausted

October 17, 1944 – To the shock of Dad and his men, General Truscott wass leaving them
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October 19, 1944 – Our GIs exhausted by months of day and night fighting get much needed help
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October 18, 1944 – After two months of non-stop fighting, Phil and his men were exhausted

Following General Truscott’s meeting with General Eisenhower, Phil wrote to his mother:[1]

Dear Mom,

I want some nose drops and some handkerchiefs.

The weather is getting cold, and now it rains almost every day. 

I have a bad cold and cough, but I had one last year on Anzio and got over it, so I guess I’ll get over this one when  you send me some nose drops.

I hope everyone is swell and feeling good.

We’re all very, very tired.

Pray for us.


Phil and his men had reason to be exhausted.

They had been continuously engaged since landing on the French Riviera two months before.

The dog-tired and drained troops were finding it increasingly difficult to keep up their day and night advances, but one thought drove them on:

The sooner we get to Berlin, the sooner this godforsaken war is over and we can go home.[2]


[1] Larimore, At First Light, 155.

[2] Ibid, 155-156.

In case you haven’t read or listened to Dad’s book, you can learn more or order it here.

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