August 31, 1944 – One of my Dad’s most memorable equestrian missions of WWII – Part 3
August 30, 2024
September 1, 1944 – Dad uses a new technique for his men to fight house to house
September 1, 2024Here are the contents of this month’s newsletter:
- Oh my goodness, my daily Bible Reading/Devotion just reached 8000 subscribers
- My Dad and St. Paul
- “Ask Dr. Walt” column in July’s Today’s Christian Living magazine
- “Vaccine News You Can Use” column in Colorado Family Physician journal
- List of last month’s blogs at DrWalt.com
- List of last month’s WWII blogs
1. Oh my goodness, my daily Bible Reading/Devotion just reached 8000 subscribers
I was shocked and extremely pleased to learn that my daily Bible devotion on the YouVersion app just surpassed 8,000 subscribers. I’m so happy to hear this and pray it’s being a blessing for many.
In fact, in just two months, 15 subscribers have already read all 365 devotions?
“What the Bibles Says About …” is a daily devotion/Bible reading that I’ve authored that can be found on the You Version App. Just search for “Larimore” and click on “What the Bibles Says About …” to learn more about it and subscribe for free. Also, you can learn more about “What the Bibles Says About …” here.
Other than the fact that both of them were followers of Jesus, I never put together that they have another connection until I received this note from the man who lead me to Christ over 53 years ago, life-long missionary Rich McGee.
Hi Walt!
Just read your blog posts for Aug 6-11. It’s hard to comprehend what your dad was going through 80 years ago today. Unthinkable, unimaginable. Your blog and the book help, but it’s almost incomprehensible what he and those other troops went through.
Your dad has something in common with St. Paul: They both used the port of Pozzuoli! You probably know this, but its ancient name was Puteoli, and Paul landed there and spent a week, on his journey to Rome (Acts 28:13-14).
Several years ago, Bonnie and I went with some friends to Rome, Naples, Pompeii, and Capri. When I realized how close we were to Pozzuoli, she and I peeled off from the others and took a day trip there by train from Naples.
I hadn’t done adequate homework to know if there are any specific places connected
with Paul there. But there is a very well-preserved coliseum–it’s like a minor league ballpark compared to the Coliseum in Rome, but very much like it. And it was awesome to see the harbor and know that Paul disembarked there, after sailing up the coast and passing Capri, no doubt.
Puteoli was the main harbor of Rome at that time, and from there Paul took the Appian Way to Rome. I doubly appreciate that harbor now, since I now know your father embarked from it to invade France. So not one, but two of my heroes were there!
Thanks, Rich. What a joy and privilege it is to call you my spiritual father and a dear friend for over a half century.
3. “Ask Dr. Walt” column in July’s Today’s Christian Living magazine
I enjoy being penning a bi-monthly column for the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine. Here is the link to the most recent issue, July 2024. My column, “Laughter is the best medicine,” is on pages 20-21:
4. “Vaccine News You Can Use” column in the Colorado Family Physician journal
I ’ve been honored to write a quarterly column, “Vaccine News You Can Use” for the Colorado Family Physician journal for several years. The vaccine updates that are listed below were contained in the summer 2024 edition on pages 24-27 and can be found here:
- Improvements seen in child vaccination timeliness
- Low vaccination rates persist for Medicaid beneficiaries
- COVID vaccination tied to lower risk of long COVID
- Measles cases jump from unvaccinated travelers returning to US; CDC issues plea
- Practice Alert: ACIP recommends IPV for unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated adults
- Measles’ deadliest sequelae – Do you know about this dire consequence?
- More Vaccine News You Can Use (news on Tdap, flu, MMR, COVID, HPV, RSV, UTI, Mpox, and Hepatitis vaccines)
5. List of last month’s blogs at DrWalt.com
- Health articles
- WW II Book
- Dad and his best friend create a life-long memory fighting together as one
- One of my Dad’s most memorable equestrian missions of WWII
Please let friends and family know that they can subscribe for free to the new blog here.
6. List of last month’s WWII blogs in my continuing series: “Where Was Phil Larimore 80 Years Ago Today?”
I’m continuing a blog on most days for the next 12 months or so following my father’s exploits and adventures during WWII. Each blog will represent what he and the men with whom he was fighting were doing 80 years ago on the exact day of the blog. Here are last month’s blogs:
- August 1, 1944 — A last-minute name change for the upcoming D-Day
- August 2, 1944 — A final summary of the Italian Campaign (Part I)
- August 3, 1944 — A final summary of the Italian Campaign (Part 2)
- August 4, 1944 — The coming D-Day to be dramatically different from the 3rd ID’s previous four D-Days
- August 5, 1944 — Phil writes home, “Please leave the Vienna sausage out from now on!”
- August 6, 1944 — The coming D-Day in southern France (Part 1)
- August 7, 1944 — The coming D-Day in southern France (Part 2)
- August 8, 1944 — The coming D-Day in southern France (Part 3)
- August 9, 1944 — Sailing for the southern France D-Day (Part 1)
- August 10, 1944 — Sailing for the southern France D-Day (Part 2) – Phil & Ross see Churchill
- August 11, 1944 — Sailing for the southern France D-Day (Part 3)
- August 12, 1944 — Sailing for the southern France D-Day (Part 4)
- August 13, 1944 — Phil’s final letter home before D-Day
- August 13, 1944 — Sailing for the southern France D-Day (Part 5)
- August 14, 1944 — Sailing for the southern France D-Day (Part 6)
- August 15, 1944 — The southern France D-Day (Part 1)
- August 15, 1944 — The southern France D-Day (Part 2)
- August 15, 1944 — The southern France D-Day (Part 3)
- August 16, 1944 – D-Day +1 in southern France
- August 17, 1944 – D-Day +2 in southern France – a light and dark side to the invasion
- August 18, 1944 – D-Day +3 in southern France
- August 19-20, 1944 – D-Days +4-5 in southern France
- August 20, 1944 – D-Day +5 in southern France
- August 21, 1944 – D-Day +6 in southern France
- August 22, 1944 – Phil’s first letter home from southern France and instructions for V-MAIL
- August 23, 1944 – Chasing the retreating German Army up the Rhone Valley with the help of the French Resistance
- August 24, 1944 – Sgt Norman Mohar writes about chasing Nazis up the Rhone Valley
- August 25, 1944 – Dad takes a break from chasing German soldiers to write an optimistic letter home
- August 26, 1944 – The horrors of the Battle of Montelimar
- August 27, 1944 – Dad and his best friend create a life-long memory fighting together as one
- August 28, 1944 – The horrors of Montelimar for the retreating Germans
- August 29, 1944 – One of my Dad’s most memorable equestrian missions of WWII – Part 1
- August 30, 1944 – One of my Dad’s most memorable equestrian missions of WWII – Part 2
- August 31, 1944 – One of my Dad’s most memorable equestrian missions of WWII – Part 3
Could I ask a favor? Could you let friends and family who are WWII aficionados know about the blog? They can sign up for it at www.DrWalt.com.
7. Last Month’s Happenings
- Aug 6-8, Barb and I flew to Buffalo, NY, to spend 2 lovely days at the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.
- Aug 9-12, we drove a couple of hours north of Toronto to spend a few wonderful days at a lake cottage on the Georgian Bay with our dear friends, Dr. Peter and Cathie Armstrong. Peter and I served together for many years on the Focus on the Family Physicians’ Resource Council.
- Aug 13-14, we went back to spend a day on the American side of Niagara Falls. It, too, was very lovely, and then flew home.
8. Upcoming Events
- Aug 31-Sept 2, Our Labor Day weekend will be spent with daughter, Kate, and SIL, Charles
- Sept 11-18, Our annual beach vacation will be at Pensacola Beach, FL.
9. Past Three Editions
- August 2024
- 50 years of membership in and service to the Christian Medical and Dental Associations
- Podcast recorded with the Lausanne Organization: Faith in Practice: A Journey in Family Medicine and Faith
- My special Father’s Day and July 4 podcast about the suffering, sacrifices, and successes on the forgotten Southern Front in WWII?
- My Father is remembered at two Colorado Springs establishments
- July 2024
- A special July 4 podcast is coming up
- Have you signed up for my daily devotional, “What the Bible Says About …”
- June 2024
- Marvelous Adventures in Great Britain and Ireland
- “What the Bible Says About …” daily devotional has taken off
- “Ask Dr. Walt” column in May’s Today’s Christian Living magazine
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