Monthly Family Update — August 2024
August 1, 2024
August 2, 1944 — A final summary of the Italian Campaign (Part I)
August 2, 2024For the fifth time in World War II, the U.S. 30th Infantry and 3rd Infantry Division would be making an amphibious landing on a hostile shore. The previous four occurred on Morocco, Sicily, and Salerno and Anzio, Italy.[1]
This time the target area was the French Riviera region of Southern France.
With the allied landings in Normandy, the American and British forces to the north were quickly blazing a path through the north and central regions of France.
The Southern France invasion would be a completion of the invasion process clearing out the enemy forces guarding the approaches into France from the South.
Once the invasion had succeeded, the men were to push northward linking up with the allied forces coming from Normandy, and become one combined front pushing the German forces back toward the German border.[1]
On August 1, 1944, the code name of the operation (changed) to DRAGOON, since it was feared the name ANVIL had been compromised.[2,3]
[1] Sgt. James Dunigan III. History of the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment.
[2] Heefner. Dogface Soldier, 190.
[3] Turner, 31.
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