August 19-20, 1944 – D-Days +4-5 in southern France
August 19, 2024
“Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living “Heart-Healthy Humor” (Part 3)
August 21, 2024The 3rd Division of the 30th Infantry Division advanced a further 30 miles to Aix-en-Provence, which was reached on August 20th.[1] The 30th Infantry moved into position to attack Aix.[2]
However, with such a small force opposing them the 30th Infantry decided to envelop the force. They did so by the 21st of August, and an all out assault on the town was ordered to begin at 0600 the next morning.
The enemy forces within the city of Aix capitulated after stiff counterattacks by bicycle troops as well as German armored elements were repelled by the 30th Infantry.[2-3]
[1] Turner, 57
[2] Sgt. James Dunigan III. History of the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment.
[3] Taggart, 216.
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