“Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living “Laughter is the Best Medicine” (Part 1)
August 7, 2024
August 8, 1944 — The coming D-Day in southern France (Part 3)
August 8, 2024A final briefing of all commanders of battalions and higher units took place on August 7.[1]
All naval commanders were present, all commanding generals. General Truscott opened the meeting with a brief summary of amphibious warfare, adding, “Determined men can get ashore anywhere.” Division commanders then outlined their respective Task Forces’ plans of assault.[1,2]
Sitting quietly in the bottom row of seats was a medium-sized, trim man in Naval uniform—summer khakis, black tie, black shoes—minus insignia of rank. He was practically unnoticed until the briefing was over. Then he stood up at the invitation of Vice Admiral H. K. Hewitt.
For a moment there was puzzlement among the assembled officers. Then recognition dawned, with the speaker’s words. It was Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal.
He spoke fairly briefly and appreciatively of the parts played by all arms in the fight against the Axis. He mentioned the coming operation with confidence. As he talked his unassuming manner and calm poise completely won over the group.
His speech was short and to the point. When he sat down the meeting was at an end.[3]
[2] Champagne, 74.
[3} Taggart, 196.
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