A nationwide podcast on the “Forgotten Front in WWII” that I think you’ll enjoy on America’s Veteran’s Stories
July 7, 2024
July 11, 1944 — Phil writes home, don’t use V-mail and send another package!
July 11, 2024World Magazine had an excellent review about adolescents who are questioning their gender and the many who are seeking gender-transitioning medical or surgical care.
The article, titled, “Malpractice against children: A report exposes pediatric gender medicine for the fraud that it is,” was authored by Ericka Andersen, and was posted May 2, 2024. Here’s a short excerpt of the start of the article (used with permission):
A landmark study on the effects of gender identity services for children revealed compelling evidence of negligent, substandard care in the industry. The Cass Review, a 388-page report commissioned by Britain’s National Health Service, argues against the use of hormone blockers, among other treatments for “dysphoric” minors, and paints a devastating picture of widespread medical malpractice and academic fraud.
The report finds unclear evidence for the rationale of puberty blockers and no proof that puberty suppression creates better outcomes for transgender youth. Due to a lack of long-term follow-up, the study says, no one knows how hormone blockers ultimately affect a child’s “cognitive and psychosexual development.”
The bombshells here deserve universal front-page news and official responses from every related medical establishment. Of course, that’s not happening, because they deviate from the narrative of transgender advocacy at all costs. Even the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) has not informed its members of the study, the decade’s most groundbreaking publication in gender medicine.
The Cass Review’s main conclusion, in my view, is:
For most young people, a medical pathway will not be the best way to manage their gender-related distress. For those young people for whom a medical pathway is clinically indicated, it is not enough to provide this without also addressing wider mental health and/or psychosocially challenging problems.
The U.S. Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA) has evidence-based articles on Transgender/Sexual Orientation here, which includes their Ethics Statement on Transgender Identification. CMDA’s recommendations include:
- CMDA believes that the appropriate medical response to patients with gender dysphoria
is to help them understand that they are people God loves and who are made in his image,
even when their choices cannot be validated. Christian healthcare professionals should
validate their right as individuals in a free society to make decisions for themselves. This
right, however, does not extend to obligating Christian and other healthcare professionals
to prescribe medication or perform surgical procedures that are harmful (see CMDA
Statement on Healthcare Right of Conscience). - CMDA believes that Christian healthcare professionals should not initiate hormonal and
surgical interventions that alter natural sex phenotypes. Such interventions contradict one
of the basic principles of medical ethics, which is that medical treatment is intended to
restore and preserve health, and not to harm. - CMDA believes that prescribing hormonal treatments to children or adolescents to
disrupt normal sexual development for the purpose of attempting gender reassignment is
ethically impermissible, whether requested by the child, the adolescent, or the parent (See
CMDA Statement on Limits to Parental Authority in Medical Decision-Making, and
CMDA Statement on Abuse of Human Life). - Supporting a patient’s pursuit of gender transitioning procedures is neither loving nor the
best means to help that individual who is experiencing gender dysphoria.
Erika Anderson concludes:
As parents and medical professionals, we must guide [children] toward the best thing for their ultimate well-being. Thousands of children have been failed by those who were supposed to protect them. Most of us didn’t need an in-depth study to prove it, but now we have one. The medical establishment ignores it at their peril. They’re all out of excuses.
You can order my “Highly Healthy Teen” book here
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