Monthly Family Update — July 2024
June 30, 2024
List of my June Blogs on “Where was Dad 80 years ago today?”
July 2, 2024While on a one-day rest, between five days of intensive training for large-scale amphibious operations, and at the 3rd Infantry’s new bivouac area near Pozzuoli, not far from Naples, Italy, Phil wrote home.
Lt. P. B. Larimore[1]
Hq Co 3rd BN. 30th Inf A.P.O. #3
c/o Postmaster N.Y. N.Y.
Somewhere in Italy, Sometime in July
Dearest Mom & Dad.
Just a note to let you know that two of the packages came in. One with the lighter and pen and one with the chicken and noodle soup. I haven’t eaten any of either because now we are getting lots of fresh foods. But when we go back up on the lines again that is when that still will sure come in handy.
Don’t care to[o] much for the Vienna Sausage cause we do get quite a bit of that. But the rest of the caned [sic] food is wonderful.
Mom when I start asking for so much that it will take up to[o] many of your food stamps just tell me. Cause I can always do without. In fact I would rather you not send the stuff than to have to do without your self.
Also I think I have enough stationary to last me for quite some time.
Oh yes chewing gum is sold and given to us here and so most of the time I have quite a bit of that.
The Commerical [sic — referring to the Commercial Appeal newspaper from Memphis, TN] is coming in every day now. The last one was June 26th, I think. It is swell to get it even if it is just a little late. I know so few people in Memphis now that it isn’t often that I see any thing about any one that I know.
But now sweet heart I see that my time is about up so will close. Will try to write you again this week but I make no promises.
With all my love, Phil
P.S. — Open letter to my pop.
P.S.S. — Please send me some candy.
[1] Handwritten letter. Post marked “U.S. Army Postal Service. A.P.O. 3, 3 Jul 44.”
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