“Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living “What do you think about stanols or sterols to prevent heart disease?”
June 26, 2024
June 27, 1944 — The last few days in June and the entire month of July were devoted to rigorous training
June 27, 2024While Phil and his men prepared for an extended intensive training period, he wrote home.
June 26, 1944
Lt. P. B. Larimore[1]
Hq Co 3rd BN. 30th Inf A.P.O. #3
c/o Postmaster N.Y. N.Y.
Dearest Mother.
Just a note as much as I hate to either send or get V-Mail this is all I have with me so guess it will have to do.
There isn’t much news at the present. If my last letters got to Sue, Bill [Phil’s best friend], and Marilyn [Phil’s fiancée], and they send them to you, this will have a good (out of ink) idea of what has been going on for the last few weeks.
I wrote Sue a very long letter. Hope one of these days she will answer it, and one of these days I must write Doris.
Hope Marilyn won’t mind me writing all these people.
But I do love to get lots of mail and tho at times I can’t find time to answer all of it the day it comes in, I do get it answered some time.
If people only knew how much mail means to boys over seas they would set aside a few minutes each day to write just a note and not on V-Mails either.
Oh yes got a letter from Grandmother, and tell my father he owes me one (I think).
Your son, Phil
[1] Handwritten letter (V-Mail). Very hard to read. Post marked “U.S. Postal Service. No. 3, 7 Jul 44.”
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