Day 17 — Our Ireland Adventure

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Day 17 — Our Ireland Adventure

We’re in the Republic of Ireland, for the fourth and final portion of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and dreamed we could make one day. We hope you enjoy coming along with us vicariously!

All day today was a breathtaking day bus tour of magnificent vistas that awaited us at almost every turn as we were driven through Killarney National Park and the renowned “Ring of Kerry”* around the island’s southwestern tip.

We viewed sparkling seascapes, mountains dotted with brightly colored farmhouses, the remote villages of Cahirciveen and Sneem, winding lanes bordered with subtropical vegetation, and breathtaking panoramas of the Lakes of Killarney.


We had a number of photo stops. Barb thought about buying this little dog for her sister, Sue, or her DIL, Jennifer.



Our lunch site that was breathtaking, and a demonstration of sheep dogs at work. Amazing.


We return to Killarney in the late afternoon for leisure time — which meant wandering and shopping. We had dinner at marvelous local pub.


All in all, a great day … and off to Dublin for our final two days tomorrow.

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