June 26, 1944 — Dear Mom, If people only knew how much mail means to soldiers overseas
June 26, 2024
June 28, 1944 — Intensive training for the coming large-scale amphibious operation (D-day)
June 28, 2024June 27, 1944 — The last few days in June and the entire month of July were devoted to rigorous training
The last few days in June and the entire month of July were devoted to rigorous training.
Besides amphibious training, emphasis was placed on conditioning, discipline, offensive spirit, and weapons proficiency.
In keeping with the procedures that paid dividends on previous landings, training also included attack of pillboxes and fixed fortifications, gapping and crossing wire, mine removal, use of flamethrowers, Bangalore torpedoes, rifle grenades, bazookas, and similar specialized training.
Assault troops were drilled in loading and disembarking from landing craft.
(One soldier wrote) “Our training prepared us for the real thing. We would go out to sea aboard the ships, climb down them ropes into the Higgins boars, and make practice landings on the beaches near Pozzouli.”[1]
[1] Champagne, 117.
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