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June 19, 2024“Ask Dr. Walt” in Today’s Christian Living “Are there any healthy alternatives to butter or margarine?”
I enjoy being penning a bi-monthly column for the readers of Today’s Christian Living magazine. In the March 2024 issue I addressed some questions about coconut oil, butter vs. margarin, healthy alternates to butter, and stanols vs. sterols.
May 2024 Today’s Christian Living
HERE’S THE LINK to the column which you’ll find on pages 20-21.
Alternatives to Butter or Margarine
Question: Are there any healthy alternatives to butter or margarine?
Answer: For heart and brain health, think phytosterols—naturally occurring, plant-derived substances, including stanols and sterols, produced from nuts, vegetable oils, corn, rice, and other plant foods. They block the absorption of cholesterol and help lower LDL cholesterol without lowering HDL cholesterol. Phytosterol-containing products include spreads such as those from Benecol®, Promise® Activ, Smart Balance®, and many others.
Even though phytosterols are “healthy” fats, they are still high in calories, albeit fewer calories than butter or margarine. For example, Promise® Activ Light Spread and Smart Balance® Heart RightTM have 45 calories per tablespoon compared to 100 calories for butter or margarine. Limiting their use will help you control your calorie count each day.
Here’s the whole series:
- What are the pros and cons of coconut oil?
- 6/12 – What’s healthier, butter or margarine?
- 6/19 – Are there any healthy alternatives to butter or margarine?
- 6/26 – What do you think about stanols or sterols to prevent heart disease?
Walt Larimore, MD, has been called one of America’s best known family physicians and has been named in the “Guide to America’s Top Family Doctors,” “The Best Doctors in America,” “Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare,” and “Who’s Who in America.” He’s a former Vice President and Physician in Residence at Focus on the Family and the American Life League has named him a “Rock-Solid Pro-Life” awardee. He’s also an award-winning medical journalist and the best-selling author of over 40 books. He and his childhood sweetheart and wife of 50 years, Barb, have two adult children and reside in Colorado Springs. You can find Doctor Walt’s health blog at www.DrWalt.com and follow him on Facebook at “DrWalt.com”. Have questions for Dr. Walt? Email them to editor@todayschristianliving.org.
© Copyright WLL, INC. 2024. This blog provides healthcare tips and advice that you can trust about a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.