June 8, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 6) Memphian writes Dad about fall of Rome
June 8, 2024
List of my May Blogs on “Where was Dad 80 years ago today?”
June 10, 2024Phil Larimore began his letter, “I guess you have known back there before now that the 3rd Division was the one to take Rome we had a hard fight to start with but the 2nd day the Jerry ran and the French and English have not been able to keep up with him.”[1]
Lt. P.B. Larimore
Hq Co 3rd BN. 30th Inf A.P.O. #3
c/o Postmaster, N.Y. N.Y.
Date Cut Out (presumably censored)
Dearest Mother and Dad.
I guess you have known back there before now that the 3rd Division was the one to take Rome we had a hard fight to start with but the 2nd day the Jerry ran and the French and English have not been able to keep up with him. Any ways with whats going on in France now he is quite a busy army.
I only thank God that the Beachhead there wasn’t like the one at Anzio. When I get home maybe some time I will tell you all about it. But now it is still to(sic) real to talk about.
I have been all over Rome and seen just about all that I could. An English speaking monk took me around for two days.
Mother I want you to buy me a camera. I want a small falt one (drawing) like that. They have those that take color film and I want one. The one I want is a Kodak 35 – KODAK 35.
If you can’t get one in Memphis have Dad try New Orleans, or Aunt Leota try New York. But I want that one if you can get it. Pay any amount for it even over $100.00 if you have to.
My money means nothing now and the pictures would be priceless. So please get it and sent(sic) as soon as you can for the sooner the better. Let nothing stop you. Plenty of film also.
Dad said that you had gotten the money for the storm dammage(sic). That will sure help in fixing the home. I want so bad to sell and build a house of our own very modern hope when we get back we can do.
Grandmother told me about selling the sheep. I’ll bet that broke Granddad’s heart.
Your package with the canned goods came and now I request another package the same. It is swell of you to got o all this trouble for me and Mom I’ll never forget it.
If the people in the states only knew what we are going through they would change their ways quite some I know. You can’t understand when you have never seen it. There is no way.
Well Mom I have to quit now, as my work calls me. Write when you can and Remember The KODAK 35.
With all my love, Phil
[1] Handwritten letter. Post marked “U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O. 3, 15 Jun 1944.”
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