June 7, 1944 — Rome is liberated (part 4)
June 7, 2024
Monthly Family Update — June 2024
June 8, 2024On 7 June 1944, General O’Daniel received a teletype which read, “Please give my old division, the Third, my thanks, and to my first regiment in the Army, the Thirtieth, and the Seventh of my Vancouver days, and especially my old China regiment, the Fifteenth, for cutting Highway Six.” George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army[1]
Phil took time to write home to his mother:
Lt. P.B. Larimore
Hq. Co 3rd Bn. 30th Inf A.P.O. #3
c/o PM. New York NY.
Dearest Mother and Dad;
The old war seems to be going well this morning. In fact I would be good enough to say that it is going wonderful, which makes me very happy.
You by now, no doubt know where the old 3rd Division is now. We had a rough time getting here tho.
I didn’t stop for anything for 3 days and 2 nights except getting some ammo to the company and some times that can be quite a hard job.
Then because we have to carry so much ammo with the Platoon extras and that is much more than we have transportation to handle, so it can be one bit of a job to keep up.
Your package with the fudge in it came yesterday and mom it was wonderful but it is all gone, so I guess you will have to send me another package, that is if you will. I sure do miss my candy.
Well honey it looks like the last bit of paper is giving out so will be forced to stop for now.
Write when you can.
Phil [2]
[1] Taggart, 185.
[2] Handwritten letter (V-Mail). Post marked “U.S. Postal Service. No. 3. 19 Jun 1944.” I have the Handwritten letter from Dad, and his mother’s typed copy. It’s interesting that she corrects his spelling and punctuation. I’ve transcribed what he actually wrote.
In case you haven’t read or listened to Dad’s book, you can learn more or order it here.
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