MEMORIAL DAY TRIBUTE to my hero – my Dad
May 27, 2024
Day 12 — Our Ireland Adventure
May 27, 2024Phil’s 30th Infantry moved but little during the 27th. The r3d Battalion moved its defensive position 1000 yards further west to close a gap between the 3rd Division and elements on the left, and a new defensive position was organized.[1]
Wire was laid by Phil and his A&P platoon, and a patrol sent along a road toward Velletri for about a mile, then swung south toward the lower end of the small lake.
The patrol returned and reported contact with a patrol form the 36th Division. The battalion commander, Major R. H. Neddersen, and S-3, Capt. James L. Osgard, then went to contact units of the 36th personally to determine the exact location of the latter’s forward elements.[1]
During this brief break, Phil wrote home:
27 May 44
Lt. P.B. Larimore[2]
Hq Co 3rd BN. 30th Inf A.P.O. #3
c/o Postmaster New York N.Y.
Dearest Mother and Dad
I guess by now you know what is going on around here. We are doing the things now that should have been done some time ago. But we are sure doing a good job of it now.
Please don’t worry about it now because I am in good shape and feeling swell. I wish you would send me some of the newspaper reports of what is going on, on the beach head (or what was the beach head).
At last I am a 1st Lt. I am wearing silver bars now. I have a little more rank now, and the main thing, I am making a little more money. That is what I want.
Oh yes, did you get the money order that I sent home? It was $50.00.
Now I guess I will be able to send a little more money home per month. Just put it all in the Bank for me. Then when I come home I will have some.
Will you tell the Bank they can stop sending me statements now because I am not doing any writing of checks, and I don’t think any money is going out. I should have some where near $500 in there now shouldn’t I?
I don’t know how often my letters will be coming through or how often I will be able to write you. But I will try to write at least one (1) per week. Some times, in fact most of the time, I don’t know when one week starts and the other ends.
Write when you can and remember I love you all.
Love, Phil
[1] Taggart, 175.
[2] Typed letter. Post marked “U.S. Army Postal Service, A.P.O., 2 Jun 1944.”
In case you haven’t read or listened to Dad’s book, you can learn more or order it here.
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