Day 6 — Our Scotland and Ireland Adventure

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Day 6 — Our Scotland and Ireland Adventure

We left London and were off to Scotland for the second portion of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and dreamed we could make one day. We hope you enjoy coming along with us vicariously!

Joe, Connie, Barb, and I took the tube to King’s Cross station and boarded the train to Edinburg, Scotland. It was a direct train, very smooth, and took about 4 and a half hours.

The countryside was beautiful. We enjoyed briefly, from the train, seeing York and Durham, cities where we’ve visited and I’ve taught in the past. Riding the train was SO much “more better” than flying. A real joy (and was less expensive, took less overall time, had more room and services, and comfort, as well as more spectacular views)  than if we had flown from London to Edinburgh.


Toward the end of the trip, the ride along the North Sea cliffs was rather spectacular. We arrived in Edinburg a bit early (the trains here are amazing in staying on schedule). Scotland’s regal capital city awaited us.

We ;walked to the hotel, got settled in, and then walked around Edinburgh at bit. We found one store that reminded us of our childhood in Baton Rouge and of our daughter Kate.

The beautiful model peering out through the middle of the doughnut from inside the store looked very familiar.

We also found another store that reminded us of our son-in-love, Charles — with a bit more of a Scottish theme to it.

We met up with our hosts from Gate1 tours and our fellow travelers for an orientation meeting about our next adventures and a dinner together. We can’t wait to see what lies ahead and to share them with you all.

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