Day 3 — Our Great Britain and Ireland Adventure

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Day 3 — Our Great Britain and Ireland Adventure

We’re at the start of the London portion of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and dreamed we could make one day. We hope you enjoy coming along with us vicariously!

We’ve all recovered from a short-lived jet lag and set our for a wonderful day in London.

We walked from our river-side hotel, to St. Paul’s Cathedral for a wonderful and spiritually uplifting tour. Visiting the Chapel of the Order of the British Empire reminded me of my amazing friend and mentor, Sir Paul Brand, MD, OBE. Dr. Brand had “adopted” our daughter, Kate, as his God Daughter, and as such, she could have gotten married in the OBE Chapel (in the crypt of St. Paul’s). But unfortunately, when Dr. Brand graduated to glory, before Kate was engaged to her “Prince Charles,” and the benefit passed with him.

Then we spent a few hours getting our bearing with a Hop-On-Hop-Bus tour of this amazing city.

We attended a lovely Evening Song at Westminster Abbey and then enjoyed another lovely pub dinner.

The weather was delightful and the city as remarkable as always. We’ve been a half dozen times in the past 50 years, but it’s still magical to be there.


Of course, we saw the bell tower in which sits Big Ben, and then were off for a late afternoon cruise on the River Thames and its great views of the city.

Tomorrow more sites and excitement.

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