Day 2 — Our Great Britain and Ireland Adventure

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Day 2 — Our Great Britain and Ireland Adventure

We’re at the start of our 20-day adventure in Great Britain and Ireland, a trip we’ve always hoped and dreamed we could make one day. We hope you enjoy coming along with us vicariously!

After an overnight flight from Boston, we landed at Heathrow, gathered our bags, and took a train and “the tube” to our hotel, the Locke at Broken Wharf. We have a beautiful room overlooking the Tate Modern Museum, Shakespeare’s Globe Theater, and the Thames River.

After briefly freshening ourselves,  we walked the Queen’s Jubilee Thames Walk toward Westminster.

A Royal Horseguardsman was there to greet us at the Palace.

An we visited Churchill Museum and War Rooms. Fascinating!

We passed 10 Downing Street, and walked down Whitehall Lane to Trafalgar Square. Boy did that bring back a lot of memories from our student days in London and previous trips also.

Our day ended with a late afternoon visit to the National Portrait Gallery and an exhibit of “The Last Caravaggio.” You can see some of the paintings we viewed here. Of course, we loved the paintings of van Gogh, Seurat, and Monet.

Then fish and chips at a wonderful, traditional pub.

What a way to start our adventure. I hope you can join us tomorrow.

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