“Vaccine News You Can Use” for Family Physicians – Spring 2024
April 26, 2024
April 27, 1944 — The lull before the coming massive breakout at Anzio
April 27, 2024In a series of sharp punches with tanks, American troops have advanced more than a mile on the east flank of the Anzio Beachhead and are within two miles of the vital Appian Way at a critical point south east of Cisterna.
Encountering more and more members of German “doghouse battalions”—court-martialed Luftwaffe officers doing penance in the front line, and freed convicts—the Americans captured a small wood two miles south of Cisterna, as well as positions farther south.
The latest thrust carried the front approximately a mile and a quarter east of “Dead Woman’s Corner,” the last officially reported advanced position in that sack tour. The old Via Appia passes two miles to the east.
Median bombers attacked rail communications in central Italy, hitting rail bridges at Cisa, Grosetto and Orvieto. Fighter bombers rated an ammunition dump at Valmonte, near the beach, as well as the Railroad yards at Felinog, Aquilla, Avezzan and Orvieto shipping near Leghorn.
The German army was becoming more nervous and anxious by the day. When were the GIs going to come at them?
[1] Allied Headquarters in Naples. UP. News Clipping.
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