Using a spiritual history in clinical practice (ICMDA Webinar – 2 of 5)
April 24, 2024
April 25, 1944 – German intelligence increasingly confused and anxious about the coming Anzio breakout
April 25, 2024The men on Anzio loved mail call. They were, for the most part, letter writers. This letter from my father to his mother is typical of many others in (1) mentioning those he has written and has heard from, and (2) not mentioning many if any war or battle details. After 16 years of researching my book, I’m still not sure is whether it was because the men knew these types of details maybe censored or harmful (the old “loose lips sink ships” saying), or if they just wanted to “forget the war” for a few moments and shield their loved ones from the gritty or gruesome details.
Lt. P. B. Larimore[1]
Hq Co 3rd BN. 30th Inf, A.P.O. #3 c/o PM NY N.Y.
Some where in Italy
Dearest Mother,
Got a whole bunch of letters last night and am trying to get them all answered today while I have the time.
I got a short note from Walter and a V-Mail from Aunt Leota, boy did she fuss at me for not coming up while I was at Fort Meade. I wish I could have gone but I didn’t have the money and some times I get funny ways about asking for money.
I got a nice letter from the church and Louise Crabtree wrote a personel note on the back. When I answer them I will write it to her.
Got you letter of 26 Feb. but as I have had later mail from you I knew most of the stuff in it. Still it was swell to get the letter because it was from you.
Also got three letters from Marilyn and Bill. If you can ever get Tex give him my address and tell him to sit down and write me a note or send me his address and I will write him. Also write a check for $15.00 from my account and give it to him. I have owed it to him for some time. Most of the time I had forgotten all about it.
Got a very nice Easter card from Grandmother and I still have to drop her a note. I have been writting her for some time. Also got an Easter note from Leota Benadum. I have been writting her for some time. She sent a small snapshot of herself, she sure is getting to be a nice looking girl. Hope some day I will have the chance to see her again.
Bill as usual wrote a swell letter that I enjoyed very mjch. I love to get mail from him.
Well honey, I guess I’ll have to sign off. I love you mother and will be thinking of you on Mother’s Day.
Love, Phil
[1] Handwritten letter (V-Mail copy).
In case you haven’t read or listened to Dad’s book, you can learn more or order it here.
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