Monthly Family Update — April 2024
April 1, 2024
List of my March Blogs on “Where was Dad 80 years ago today?”
April 2, 2024By 1 April the Regimental bivouac area was set up, training areas selected and an intensive training schedule was under way.
All training was directed at correction of deficiencies notes during the previous combat period and in developing teamwork, which was necessary due to the many replacements received during the sixty-seven days of action.
Stress was placed on marksmanship and secondary weapon training. Small-unit tactics to include special formations for house-to-house fighting and attack of a semi-fortified house were developed and practiced under combat conditions.
Laying and gapping of wire under engineer instructors aimed at teaching all infantry this engineer job. Flamethrower and demolition schools were also conducted by the engineers.[1]
Around the first of April 1944 the Kraut attacks leveled off so the Third Division went back to the beach to a pine grove that hid us from view but we still had to dig in just in case of shelling or bombing but life was more relaxed.
We were able to watch movies, get showers and clean clothes and write letters home.
We still had training periods during the day, mainly to train all the replacements we had received for the past two months.[2]
[1] Prohme, 149,152.
[2] Staff Sergeant Charles O. Beardslee. Dogface Soldiers Memoirs. The Hell Hole at Anzio. http://goo.gl/iKgZky
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