March 6, 1944 – Farm houses and foxholes at Anzio
March 6, 2024
March 7, 1944 – Rest Camp on Anzio
March 7, 2024“At First Light” just released in soft cover
What a nice birthday gift I’ve just received. I’ve just learned that my WWII book, At First Light, has been released by Knox Press in soft cover.

In case you haven’t read or listened to Dad’s book, you can learn more about it or order it here.
Gosh, it’s almost been two years since At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse released in hardcover.
It’s almost sold out of the second printing and the publisher just released in in soft cover.
As of now, it’s only available at Amazon. But the retail price of $21 for the soft cover is way below the $35 retail price of the hardcover.
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