February 10, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero arrives in North Africa
February 10, 2024
February 12, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero rides a famous Berber war horse in Morocco
February 12, 2024While Phil and the thousands of replacements in camp with him waited in French Morocco for their assignments, the war waged in Europe without them. Phil wrote his mother.
Philip B. Larimore 2nd Lt., 0-511609, A.P.O 15148, c/o Post Master New York, N.Y.
North Africa, Base 0419
Dearest Mother;
At last I stop long enough that I can write a letter. I don’t know for sure what I will say cause there isn’t too much they will let us say.
We eat swell here in camp. They keep big tubs of fresh fruit sitting around all the time and we can get some any time, also our meals are plentiful and well cooked. But I do miss coffee 3 times a day. We get it mostly at breakfast.
I had at one time a chance to visit (censored, but likely Casablanca). Had a lot of fun there although there isn’t much to the town. Had a long talk with some English and some French officers at the Allied Officers Club. I think if I have time I will let a little girl that I met near camp teach me French. She said if I would teach her to jitterbug and how to use English slang she would teach me French. That sounds like a good deal doesn’t it?
I’m sorry I didn’t send you a cablegram when I got here but they wouldn’t let us at first and I think this air mail will come through fairly fast. Of course I haven’t gotten a letter yet and don’t expect any for quite some time, but sure am looking forward to some.
I met a few boys that were in the same O.C.S. class I was and there is one that I come over on the boat with. And a couple of officers from the 326th are with me. We have quite a time together. All of us have some trouble trying to figure out how to use the French money. It gives us quite a time, too. But I think I have the hang of it now.
I wish you would send this letter to Marilyn cause I’m not going to have a chance to write any more mail for a while. And I don’t want to keep her waiting any longer than I have to. Did I tell you that when I was in Des Moines I had a long talk with Mrs. Fountain. Think I got things all ironed out. I do hope so cause that’s one girl I don’t want to miss out on. I do love her Mom, I’m sure of that, more now than ever.
Well honey I think I will stop. Hope to hear from you soon. Will write when I can.
Love, Phil

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