Florida Surgeon General’s anti-vax warning debunked
January 29, 2024
January 30, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero prepares to ship out – Part 7 – Boarding the ship
January 30, 2024Have “immense numbers” of those who received the COVID vaccine actually had “ruinously adverse effects” or “died”?
Yesterday, a reader wrote to me saying, “That immense numbers of those to whom mRNA “vaccines” have been administered have been ruinously adversely affected by their exposure to them,” while tens of thousands have died from the COVID vaccines. Another friend wrote, “Did you see this story? ‘Sen. Ron Johnson Presents a Must-See Chart About the COVID Vaccines’?” He added, “This chart, showing over 1.6 million adverse effects and nearly 37,00 deaths from COVID vaccines needs to be shared everywhere. It shows how truly dangerous the COVID shots are!” Does the best science affirm or refute these opinions? You may be surprised!
I wrote this to the reader, “I believe your deeply held personal beliefs are sincere; however, I also believer that they are sincerely wrong. More details in tomorrow’s blog [which is THIS BLOG].”
Today I’ll attempt to refute his delusion (or fixed false belief), “That immense numbers of those to whom mRNA [COVID-19} ‘vaccines’ have been administered have been ruinously adversely affected by their exposure to them.”
I hope that the explanation below will show how his beliefs are demonstrably and terribly wrong. Hopefully, you’ll be able to see why that is so.
I added, “Nevertheless, although we both view the evidence differently, I wish you blessings on your journey toward truth!”
Why some believe the COVID vaccine is causing hundreds of thousands of serious adverse events and tens of thousands of deaths
I wrote this much longer note to my dear friend, “I hope this isn’t too much information, but perhaps it will help you understand what’s going on here.”
First, here’s the data from a chart Representative Johnson presented (according to the news article):
Drug Adverse Event Comparison (01/01/1996 – 12/29/23) WORLDWIDE:
Holy Moley!!! Has the COVID vaccine caused over 1.6 million adverse events and almost 37,000 deaths. Could this be true?
Furthermore, the news story goes on to say, “Naysayers will say this number is so high because billions of COVID-19 shots were administered. However, Senator Ron Johnson ran a calculation, and he found that the COVID shots were 55 times more lethal (25.1 vs 0.46 deaths per million doses) than the flu vaccines.”
Second, so is this data accurate? And, if so, how should it be interpreted?
So, here’s my reply that I hope will set the record straight:
The source of this information was the FDA and CDC’s was the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). You can learn more about VAERS here. As noted below, we healthcare professionals are required to report ANY death after a COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it is unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.
Does the COVID vaccine kill people?
As a 2021 Science article reported, “Anti-vaccine activists use a government database [VAERS] on side effects to scare the public,” which appears to be what Representative Johnson is doing.
The article points out, “One of VAERS’s strengths—its openness—is also a potential weakness in the politicized COVID-19 era. Anyone who receives a vaccine authorized in the United States can report an adverse event to VAERS, as can doctors, family members, and others.”
As a result, “That openness ensures VAERS receives plentiful reports—228,000 for COVID-19 vaccines alone since December 2020, more than four times the number received in all of last year for all vaccines.” The article states, “The number of deaths reported after a COVID-19 vaccination as of 24 May [2021]—4863—represents just 0.0017% of more than 285 million doses of vaccine given.”
The AP had a more recent article in September 2022 on this same issue titled, “Posts continue to misrepresent VAERS COVID-19 vaccine data” based upon the claim, at that point, “More than 1.4 million adverse events caused by the COVID-19 vaccines have been reported to the federal database VAERS through Sept. 9 [,2022].”
The authors point out, “VAERS allows anyone to submit reports on any [emphasis mine] possible reactions after a vaccine, and has clear disclaimers that reports may “contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.”
The AP’s ASSESSMENT? “Missing context. VAERS, a passive reporting system run jointly by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, relies on unverified reports submitted by the general public. It does not prove that vaccines caused the adverse events reported.”
The AP adds, “Claims about the safety of the vaccines based on data from VAERS have been debunked by The Associated Press on multiple occasions.”
You can learn about the latest VAERS data here. Basically, they expose the real truth about, “Reports of Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination: Multiple factors contribute to reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination, including heightened public awareness of COVID-19 vaccines, requirements under FDA authorization for COVID-19 vaccines that healthcare providers report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS (even if it is unclear whether the vaccine was the cause), and reporting requirements in CDC vaccine provider agreements.”
What has the CDC found so far?
- “People receiving COVID-19 vaccines are less likely to die from COVID-19 and its complications and are at no greater risk of death from non-COVID causes, than unvaccinated people.”
- In fact, people who received the updated COVID-19 bivalent booster were 14 times less likely to die compared with those who received no vaccine.
- People who received the updated COVID-19 vaccines were also three times less likely to die compared with those who received only the primary series of COVID-19 vaccines.
What if you don’t trust the CDC?
If you do not trust the CDC, you can see the Health Canada data here.
The Canadian experts report, “A total of 99,034,764 vaccine doses have been administered in Canada as of September 10, 2023, including 9,611,886 bivalent doses. Adverse events (side effects) have been reported by 57,436 people. That’s about 6 people out of every 10,000 people vaccinated who have reported 1 or more adverse events. Of the 57,436 individual reports, 46,205 were considered non-serious (0.047% of all doses administered) and 11,235 were considered serious (0.011% of all doses administered). … Most adverse events are mild and include soreness at the site of injection or a slight fever. Serious adverse events are rare, but do occur. They include anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction), which has been reported 775 times (1 report per 100,000 doses administered) for all COVID-19 vaccines across Canada.”
As to COVID vaccine caused deaths in Canada, they say, “Up to and including September 15, 2023, a total of 455 reports with an outcome of death were reported following vaccination. Although these deaths occurred after being vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, they are not necessarily related to the vaccine.” All reported deaths are investigated using and updated and more accurate “medical case review.” “All reports with an outcome of death were updated and reclassified using the new classification system.”
What did they find? “Of the 455 death reports, it was not possible to assess causality for 119 reports due to missing information (not enough information to initiate causality assessment). Preliminary causality assessment was possible for the remaining 336 cases where there was sufficient information. Using the available information and the WHO guidance on causality assessment specific to vaccinations, we’ve determined that: (1) 166 reports of death were unclassifiable due to lack of available information (not enough information to complete the preliminary assessment), (2) 104 reports of death were inconsistent with causal association to the vaccine (unlikely to be linked to the vaccine), and (3) 62 reports of death were indeterminate (insufficient definitive evidence or conflicting evidence for causality). Only 4 deaths were consistent with causal association to immunization.”
So, in Canada, after over 99 million doses, there have only been 455 reports of death after the vaccine (in Canada). it’s been determined that 4 deaths were caused by the vaccine. Compare that to the over 57,000 Canadians who have died from COVID (NOT died with COVID).
What if you don’t trust the CDC or Health Canada?
If you don’t trust the CDC or Health Canada, look up any other country’s data (England, France, Sweden, etc.). Canada and most European countries have nationalized medical records, to the data from every citizen and every dose of vaccine is available for review. All of the available scientific data say the same thing.
Whew, that’s a lot to consider, but I hope it’s helpful to you.
Dr. Walt
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