January 10, 1944 – A teenage WWII hero prepares to ship out – Part 4 – Fort Meade Replacement Depot
January 10, 2024
Ask Dr. Walt 40 – A family plan for spiritual growth
January 15, 2024Researchers tell us there is hope for the family in America. W. Bradford Wilcox, the director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia and a senior fellow of the Institute for Family Studies says, (1) the divorce rate has fallen by nearly 25 percent over the last decade to about the same rate as in 1970. And scholars predict that the divorce rate will continue to fall. (2) the share of children being raised in intact, married families is ticking upwards. Although family instability and single parenthood are still too high, less divorce and fewer babies born out of wedlock mean more stable, married families in America. But what specifically can you do to help your family flourish? We’ll be discussing that on today’s episode of Ask Dr. Walt.
From 2021-2022, I was honored to host a TV show on LiftableTV, “Ask Dr. Walt.”
Researchers tell us there is hope for the family in America. W. Bradford Wilcox, the director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia and a senior fellow of the Institute for Family Studies says, (1) the divorce rate has fallen by nearly 25 percent over the last decade to about the same rate as in 1970. And scholars predict that the divorce rate will continue to fall. (2) the share of children being raised in intact, married families is ticking upwards. Although family instability and single parenthood are still too high, less divorce and fewer babies born out of wedlock mean more stable, married families in America. But what specifically can you do to help your family flourish? We’ll be discussing that on this edition of Ask Dr Walt.
You can click below to watch a video of the show, and I’ve put the show transcript at the end of the blog if you’d prefer.
Show 41 for Broadcast 01-31-22
Terence Chatmon
Helping Your Family Flourish
Researchers tell us there is hope for the family in America. W. Bradford Wilcox, the director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia and a senior fellow of the Institute for Family Studies says, (1) the divorce rate has fallen by nearly 25 percent over the last decade to about the same rate as in 1970. And scholars predict that the divorce rate will continue to fall. (2) the share of children being raised in intact, married families is ticking upwards. Although family instability and single parenthood are still too high, less divorce and fewer babies born out of wedlock mean more stable, married families in America. But what specifically can you do to help your family flourish? We’ll be discussing that on today’s episode of Ask Dr. Walt.
Hi, everyone. I’m family physician Dr. Walt Larimore and I’m delighted you are taking the time today to join me in my home office for this episode of Ask Dr. Walt. I’ve had the privilege over the last 40 years to deliver over 1500 babies and help thousands of families improve their physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual health – in short, to thrive and flourish. Today, we’ll be drilling down on what you can do to help your family flourish.
To help me do this, I’m delighted to welcome back to Ask Dr. Walt, Terence Chatmon, who is the President & CEO of Victorious Family, a movement to strengthen your family’s spiritual health and legacy. Victorious Family uses training experiences, family champion coaches, and a rich library of resources to equip and empower parents to chart a course for spiritual formation through a devotional-based roundtable methodology. Terence, welcome back to Ask Dr. Walt.
- What challenges are parents and families encountering today?
- What concerns you most about the current trends that impacting the family and society?
- How have these affected your family?
- What truths, learnings, and hope, encouraged you to parent well?
- If there is a biblical principle or scripture that you keep in front of mind to remind you to parent well?
- You talk about families having values, vision, and mission. How do you define those and why are they so important?
- You also teach families to have the right purpose, the right posture, and the right alignment. Explain that to our viewers.
- How have you personally applied these truths and principles in your family?
- How can parents attend your one-day workshop on “Charting Your Family’s Spiritual Journey.”
- How many parents have you all trained?
- How can parents and pastors connect?
- Do you have some free resources that parents can obtain? (Prayer Guide and Devotional Guide)
- How can our viewers reach you and your ministry, Victorious Living? (Website)
THANKS TERENCE. And thank you for joining me for this episode of Ask Dr. Walt. I’d love for you to drop by my website and sign up for my free daily email—it’s www.DrWalt.com. That’s D-R-W-A-L-T.com. And, until our next visit, let’s get moving together toward true health – physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. And “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”
Disclaimer: The “Ask Dr. Walt” show is designed for entertainment purposes to give information on various medical conditions, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to help you be a more informed consumer of medical and health services.
© Copyright WLL, INC. 2024. This blog provides healthcare tips and advice that you can trust about a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.