‘Tis the season for colorectal screening? Give a life-saving gift this Christmas.

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‘Tis the season for colorectal screening? Give a life-saving gift this Christmas.

Merry Christmas, and get a colorectal exam! Sound unusual? One study found that sending reminders for colorectal screening exams during the December holiday season or near individuals’ birthdays increased attendance. The possible reason, say the study’s authors, could be because birthdays and holidays trigger feelings about aging.

According to a report in WebMD Health News not too many years ago, the study, conducted by professors at The Cancer Registry of Norway, is published on BMJ Online.

In Norway, 20,003 participants were invited for screenings, and 12,960 attended. Attendance was higher in December (72.3% vs. 64.6% the rest of the year) and for participants who were invited in the week of their birthdays or assigned an appointment within two weeks after their birthdays (67.9% vs. 64.5% for non-birthday invitees).

The authors suggest health officials schedule reminders near the holidays or patients’ birthdays.

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide, and more than 1 million new cases are detected yearly.

“There might be a potential for improving compliance with screening programs by playing on the perception of ages or annual milestones,” the authors write.

“We suggest that screening programs should consider the potential benefits of timing appointments for screening in the first or second weeks after birthdays and extending working hours in December.”

I have a few other ideas:

  • Consider giving the Christmas gift of a colonoscopy to those you love who are forty-five years of age or older.
  • Consider giving a Christmas card encouraging your loved ones to be screened for colon cancer and offering to accompany them to the exam.
  • Consider giving a gift certificate or a reward (like taking your loved one out to a nice meal) to your loved one after they have their exam.

Remember, as has been well said, colonoscopy is the ONLY cancer test that can actually prevent colon cancer.

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  1. Wayne says:

    This post is just the kind of information I am looking for. I am a colon cancer survivor, so all health issues have become of great concern to me. Just so you know, I found it …

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