A Voice from the Past Provides an Overwhelming Blessing
September 13, 2023
Ask Dr. Walt 20 – Healthful Attitudes
September 18, 2023Apple a Day 002 – Health fads that are less than meaty-ocre—such as fake beef
Hi, everyone. I’m family physician, Dr. Walt Larimore, with an Apple a Day. The latest fad in the “vegetarian” and “healthy food” categories involves a slew of so-called “plant-based fake meats” that proport to be healthier for people and the planet..
Health fads that are less than meaty-ocre—such as fake beef
Hi, everyone. I’m family physician, Dr. Walt Larimore, with an Apple a Day.
The latest fad in the “vegetarian” and “healthy food” categories involves a slew of so-called “plant-based fake meats” that proport to be healthier for people and the planet.
Popular meatless hamburgers are sold under brands like “Impossible Foods” and “Beyond Meat.” Most consumers have no idea that these products are actually ultraprocessed foods that contain an astonishing list of additives.
So, which is better, an ultraprocessed fake beef or a real-beef hamburger? The experts say it all comes down to your eating style. If you’re a vegetarian and you miss the taste of a burger, fake beef may be an option once in a while, though a bean- or veggie-based burger is going to be healthier.
But in general, fake beef burgers are no healthier than a grass-fed beef burger, a turkey burger, or a chicken burger.
My advice remains: eat whole foods that are primarily whole plant-based and minimally processed and with few to any additives; and avoid the regular intake of ultraprocessed foods of any type.
I’m Dr. Walt Larimore with your Apple a Day.
Online 8/12/21
Video Taped 9/3/21
TV 10/11-15/21
© Copyright WLL, INC. 2023. This blog provides healthcare tips and advice that you can trust about a wide variety of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your regular physician. If you are concerned about your health, take what you learn from this blog and meet with your personal doctor to discuss your concerns.
Loved your book, “First Light,” The ending was so powerful, it was hard to think about anything else for days. We have had horses in the past, so have a great love for them.
Judy, thanks so much for your kind words and feedback. It is an encouragement, an inspiration, and a blessing. If you would be willing to leave a rating on the book and a couple of websites, please drop me an email (waltlarimore@aol.com) and I will send you the links. That would be a great favor.
Dr. Walt