Goodbye “Medical News You Can Use”

The best book review I have ever received
January 20, 2023
“At First Light” featured at The National WWII Museum in NOLA
January 26, 2023
The best book review I have ever received
January 20, 2023
“At First Light” featured at The National WWII Museum in NOLA
January 26, 2023
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Goodbye “Medical News You Can Use”

After over 25 years as a part-time medical journalist, I’m hanging up this hat. It’s been a fun run (details below), but I’m in a new season of refocusing (NOT retiring). You’ll see the site begin to change as bit as Web Master Steve Raquel puts it through a re-design. I’ll continue family and book updates, and likely begin telling a story or two each week that I hope you’ll enjoy. Stay tuned, more details to come. But, in the meantime, there’s a jaunt down memory lane below.

Award-Winning Medical Journalist

Walt Larimore, MD, was a medical journalist from 1995 to 2023.

From 1995 through 2000, he hosted over 850 live daily episodes of the National Cable TV Show Ask the Family Doctor on The Health Network (aka America’s Health Network) which for its last two years was Fox’s Health Network.

While with The Health Network, Dr. Larimore was awarded the prestigious “Gracie” Award in 2000 by the American Women in Radio and Television for his work on the program, “Mastectomy/Breast Reconstruction Webcast and Broadcast,” which was recognized for “Outstanding Collaboration between Broadcast and New Media.”

Besides hosting the show in-studio, he also performed investigative and fieldwork. At its peak, his show was available in over 28 million American homes. Joe Maddox, the past President and COO of America’s Health Network, said that Dr. Larimore had more “… actual on-air TV experience than any physician in the history of television.”

Dr. Larimore also hosted a medical news minute on The Health Network and the Apple a Day segment on The Health Network and later Discovery Health TV Network. On Ask the Family Doctor, Dr. Larimore hosted several of the nation’s first live televised medical procedures. He conceived and hosted the first worldwide live Internet and TV birth in June 1998 – a then-innovative approach to reality TV that was covered by most large media outlets. Of his hosting, the international edition of Time Magazine said, “Dr. Walt Larimore, a distinguished private physician conducted the exercise like a veteran 60 Minutes reporter.”

Dr. Larimore appeared in live interviews on NBC’s “The Today Show;” “CBS Good Morning;” “CNN Headline News;” CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” CNBC’s “The Abrams Report;” PBS’ “Family Works;” and several Fox News shows. He has also been interviewed on Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity’s shows.

From 2000 through 2012, Dr. Larimore served as an on-air Medical Consultant for many radio stations, including WDBO in Orlando; WMBI, Chicago; WISG, Indianapolis; KNKT, Albuquerque; WBCL, Ft. Wayne and the Indiana State Network; WOCL, Baltimore; Kim Jeffries’ Along the Way, Northwest Radio Network; KFSH, Los Angeles; WKES, Tampa, Lakeland, Orlando, FL; WSOR, Naples, Ft. Myers, Cape Coral, FL; WHGN, Crystal River, Inverness, Ocala, FL; WKZM, Sarasota, Bradenton, FL; Life Perspectives, American Family Radio; KTIS, Minneapolis; WRMB Boynton Beach, Okeechobee, Stuart, and Ft. Pierce, FL.

Dr. Larimore has also served as a medical consultant for the Total Living Television Network, CCN (Christian Communications Network),, and

Dr. Larimore hosted the nationally syndicated Focus on Your Family’s Health from 2001 to 2004. These 90-second daily news features were in as many as 75 radio and 37 TV markets across the U.S. Dr. Larimore also provided live on-air interviews to local TV affiliates and national cable TV outlets about breaking medical news.

From 2021 to 2022, Dr. Larimore hosted over 40 episodes of “Ask Dr. Walt” on the Liftable TV Network. In 2022, he has hosted LIftableTV’s “The Daily Apple: Medical News You and Your Family Can Use” and the weekly “The Inside Story: Conversations about the art and heart of writing” where he interviewed some of today’s most popular and successful Christian authors.

As a family health and medical expert, Dr. Larimore has been sought for print interviews with dozens of newspapers: including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Chicago Tribune, Washington Times, Orlando Sentinel, National Catholic Register, Malaysia Strait Times, South China Post, and the UPI – as well as national magazines including Redbook, In Touch Weekly, Life & Style, Significant Living, Today’s Christian Living, Home Life, Family Life, Stand Firm, First for Women, Today’s Christian Physician, My Family Doctor, AMA News, Family Practice News, and Pediatric News.


  1. Gene Veillon says:

    I have read and re-read several of your books. Enjoyed everyone. Have “At First Light’. Awesome book.
    I live in Lafayette, La. and you indicated you were here for a time at one of our hospitals.
    Hope you enjoyed your stay. Great place to live. Good people and good food.
    Are you writing a new book?
    Gene Veillon

    • Hello Gene,

      Thanks for your note and kind words. Much appreciated. My time at Charity Hospital in Lafayette back in the 70s was memorable and very profitable. I’m looking forward to a return trip there one day. No new books are in process right now. But delighted to just learn that my WWII book, At First Light: A True World War II Story of a Hero, His Bravery, and an Amazing Horse, just became an #1 Best Seller in the category of WWII Biographies. I hope you get the chance to read it.

      Dr. Walt

  2. Did you ever get a chance to read “At First Light”? If so, any feedback?


  3. Linda says:

    I give honour to whom honour is due, and your work on the CD: CHERISH YOUR WIFE (produced by Focus on the Family) was unmatched in it’s stellar biblical research, care-based presentation, and ministry outreach. I have never heard anyone else touch on the integrity of what you shared.

    I have a challenge: I just learned from Focus on the Family the CD is out-of-print. I have gifted several women and men with it over the years. I only have one copy left, mine! I would like to order more for immediate and future use. I pray more ori copies could be made available through your website. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE – you have helped so many and it would be a shame for this cd to retire when it is so needed.

    Thank you, and I hope to hear from your staff about my request. Plus, your website has opened a whole new playground for me so worthy of exploration! 🌹

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