In my newest book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People, I teach people how to utilize ten essentials that are necessary in living a happy and highly healthy life. Under The Essential of Self-Care, teach what I call “The 10 Commandments of Preventive Medicine. Here’s the ninth installment of this ten-part series.
These “Ten Commandments,” which I’ve long suggested to my patients and to my radio and television audiences, target exclusively the physical wheel. I suspect we could identify several more commandments related to preventing disease, but these are an excellent start.
Commandment #9 = Use Automobile Safety Devices Consistently
Here’s a simple one for you. Do you (and everyone who gets into your car) buckle your seat belt everytime you’re in the car—no matter how far you’re planning to go?
Seat belts save more than 10,000 lives a year in the United States. Surveys show only about 70 percent of Americans now buckle up—quite an increase from previous years. While that’s good, it could be better.
According to Buckle Up America (a national campaign to increase the proper use of seat belts and child safety seats), “Seat belts are a priority. Every hour someone dies in America simply because they didn’t buckle up. Failure to wear a seat belt contributes to more fatalities than any other single traffic safety-related behavior.”
This year, resolve that everyone in your car will be buckled into the proper restraint before the car moves. That means seat belts for adults, booster seats (in the rear seat) for older children, and properly installed safety seats (in the rear seat) for small children and infants.
You may not find a lot of surprises here—but the real questions are these:
By beginning with a single step and then continuing to improve on a day-to-day basis, you’ll be on your way to becoming a highly healthy person.
Here are all 10 of the Preventive Medicine Commandments:
And, here are all 10 of the essentials that can be found in my book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People:
You can learn more about these in my book, 10 Essentials of Happy, Healthy People. You can order an autographed copy here.